
Publications (since 2000)

of the Polar and Bird Ecology group
Image: Hans-Ulrich Peter

In press


Braun, C., Grämer, H., Peter, H.-U. (2023): Records of vagrant and visitor bird species in the Fildes Region, King George Island, Maritime Antarctic, between 1980 and 2023. Ukrainian Antarctic Journal, 21(2), 210-229. link

Ausems, A.N.M.A., Kuepper, N.D., Archuby, D., Braun, C., Gębczyński, A., Gladbach, A., Hahn, S., Jadwiszczak, Kraemer, P., Libertelli, M.M., Lorenz, S., Richter, B., Ruß, A., Schmoll, T., Thébault, J., Thorn, S., Turner, J., Wojczulanis-Jakubas, K., Jakubas, D., Quillfeldt, P.: Where have all the petrels gone? 40 Years of Environmental Change and Population Dynamics of Wilson`s Storm-Petrels. Polar Biology, 46: 655-672


Lenzi, J., Bresesti, F., Lozoya, J.P., De Feo, B., Krojmal, E., Lacerot, G., Braun, C., Teixeira de Mello, F. (2022): Diet and debris ingestion of skuas on Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica Marine Pollution Bulletin, 185: 114211

Kuepper, N.D., Böhm, L., Braun, C., Bustamante, P., Düring, R.-A., Libertelli, M.M., Quillfeldt, P. (2022): Persistent organic pollutants and mercury in a colony of Antarctic seabirds: higher concentrations in 1998, 2001, and 2003 compared to 2014 to 2016. Polar Biology 45: 1229-1245

Braun, C., Grämer, H., Peter, H.-U. (2022): Monitoring der klimabedingten Veränderungen terrestrischer und mariner Ökosysteme in der Maxwell Bay (Antarktis)External link. On behalf of the German Environment Agency, Texte 269/2022, Dessau-Roßlau

Voigtländer, K., Peter, H.-U. (2022): Myriopoda Diplopoda. In: Köhler, G. (ed.): Müller/Bährmann Bestimmung wirbelloser Tiere. 8. überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Springer Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Berlin: 59-63


Braun, C., Esefeld, J., Savelieva, L., Peter, H.-U. (2021): Population decline of the cape petrel (Daption capense) on King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Polar Biology 44: 1795-1801

Prater, I., Hrbacek, F., Braun, C., Vidal, A., Meier, L., Nývlt, D., Mueller, C. (2021): How vegetation patches drive soil development and organic matter formation on polar islands. Geoderma Regional 27: e00429

Davies, T.E., Carneiro, A.P.B., Tarzia, M., Wakefield, E., Hennicke, J.C., Frederiksen, M., Hansen, E.S., Campos, B., Hazin, C., Lascelles, B., Anker-Nielssen, T., Arnardóttir, H., Barrett, R.T., Biscoito, M., Bollache, L., Boulinier, T., Catry, P., Ceia, F.R., Chastel, O., Christensen-Dalsgaard, S., Cruz-Flores, M., Danielsen, J., Daunt, F., Dunn, E., Egevang, C., Fagundes, A.I., Fayet, A.L., Fort, J., Furness, R.W., Gilg, O., Gonzáles-Solís, J., Granadeiro, J.P., Grémillet, D., Guilford, T., Hanssen, S.A., Harris, M.P., Hedd, A., Huffeldt, N. P., Jessopp, M., Kolbeinsson, Y., Krietsch, J., Lang, J., Linnebjerg, J.F.,Lorentsen, S.-H., Madeiros, J., Magnusdottir, E., Mallory, M.L., McFarlane Tranquilla, L., Merkel, F.R., Militão, T., Moe, B., Montevecchi, W.A., Morera-Pujol, V., Mosbech, A., Neves, V., Newell, M.A., Olsen, B., Paiva, V.H., Peter, H.-U., Petersen, A., Phillips, R. A., Ramírez, I., Ramos, J.A., Ramos, R., Ronconi, R.A., Ryan, P.G., Schmidt, N.M., Sigurðsson, I.A., Sittler, B., Steen, H., Stenhouse, I.J., Strøm, H., Systad, G.H., Thompson, P., Thórarinsson, T.L., van Bemmelen, R.S.A., Wanless, S., Zino, F., Dias, M.P. (2021): Multispecies tracking reveals a major seabird hotspot in the North Atlantic. Conservation Letters 14: e12824

Rümmler, M.-C., Esefeld, J., Hallabrin, M., Pfeifer, C., Mustafa, O. (2021): Emperor penguin reactions to UAVs: first observations and comparisons with effects of human approach. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 23: 100545

Rümmler, M.-C., Esefeld, J., Pfeifer, C., Mustafa, O. (2021): Effects of UAV overflight height, UAV type, and season on the behaviour of Emperor penguin adults and chicks. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment 23: 100558

Pfeifer, C., Rümmler, M.-C., Mustafa, O. (2021): Assessing colonies of Antarctic shags by unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) at South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Antarctic Science 33: 133-149


Braun, C., Rümmler, M.-C., Esefeld, J., Peter, H.-U. (2020): Überwachung der klimabedingten Veränderungen terrestrischer und mariner Ökosysteme in der Maxwell Bay (King George Island, Antarktis)External link. On behalf of the German Environment Agency, Texte 143/2020, Dessau-Rosslau

Mustafa, O., Firla, M., Grämer, H., Hallabrin, M., Haucke, M., Knetsch, S., Maercker, J., Rümmler, M.C., Senf, M., Wagner, R., Pfeifer, C. (2020): Monitoring von Pinguinkolonien in der Antarktis mithilfe von FernerkundungsdatenExternal link. On behalf of the German Environment Agency, Texte 112/2020, Dessau-Rosslau


Yinda, K.C., Esefeld, J., Peter, H.-U., Matthijnssens, J. & Zell, R.: Penguin megrivirus, a novel picornavirus from an Adélie penguin (Pygoscelis adeliae). Archives of Virology 164: 2887-2890

Pfeifer, C., Barbosa, A., Mustafa, A., Peter, H.-U., Brenning, A., Rümmler, M.-C. (2019): Using Fixed-Wing UAV for Detecting and Mapping the Distribution and Abundance of Penguins on the South Shetlands Islands, Antarctica. Drones 3(2): 39

Mustafa, O., Braun, C., Esefeld, J., Knetsch, S., Maercker, J, Pfeifer, C., Rümmler, M.-C. (2019): Detecting Antarctic Seals and Flying Seabirds by UAV. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences IV-2/W5

Firla, M., Mustafa, O., Pfeifer, C., Senf, M., Hese, S. (2019): Intraseasonal Variability Of Guano Strains In A Remotely Sensed Penguin Colony Using UAV And Satellite. ISPRS Annals of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing and Spatial Information Sciences IV-2/W5


Mustafa, O., Barbosa, A., Krause, D.J., Peter, H.-U., Vieira, G., Rümmler, M.-C. (2018): State of knowledge: Antarctic wildlife response to unmanned aerial systems. Polar Biology 41: 2387-2398

Rümmler, M.-C., Mustafa, O., Maercker, J., Peter, H.-U., Esefeld, J. (2018): Sensitivity of Adélie and Gentoo penguins to various flight activities of a micro UAV. Polar Biology 41: 2481-2493

Peter, H.-U. (2018): Fliegende Vögel. In: Antarktis: TenDenZen 2018 / Jahrbuch XXVI

Parnikoza I., Rozok A., Convey P., Veslelski M., Esefeld J., Ochyra R., Mustafa O., Braun C., Peter H.-U., Smykla J., Kunakh, V., Kozeretska I. (2018): Spread of Antarctic vegetation by the kelp gull: comparison of two maritime Antarctic regions. Polar Biology 41: 1143-1155

Kaczmarek, L., Parnikoza, I., Gawlak, G., Esefeld, J., Peter, H.-U., Kozeretska, I., Roszkowska, M. (2018): Tardigrades from Larus dominicanus Lichtenstein, 1823 nests on the Argentine Islands (maritime Antarctic). Polar Biology 41: 283-301


Braun, C., Esefeld, J., Peter, H.-U. (2017): Monitoring the consequences of local climate change on the natural resources of the ice-free regions of Maxwell Bay (King George Island, Antarctic)External link. On behalf of the German Environment Agency. Texte 26/2017. Dessau-Rosslau

Braun, C., Hertel, F., Peter, H.-U. (2017): Environmental Management – The Fildes Paradigm, In: Dodds K., Hemmings, A.D. & Roberts, P. (eds.): Handbook of the Politics of Antarctica. Edward Elgar Publishing, 351-367

Mustafa, O., Esefeld, J., Grämer, H., Maercker, J., Rümmler, M.-C., Senf, M., Pfeifer, C., Peter, H.-U. (2017): Monitoring von Pinguinkolonien in der Antarktis mithilfe von Fernerkundungsdaten. On behalf of the German Environment Agency. Texte 29/2017. Dessau-Rosslau

Krumbholz, A., Groth, M., Esefeld, J., Peter, H.-U., Zell, R. (2017): Genome Sequence of a Novel Picorna-Like RNA Virus from Feces of the Antarctic Fur Seal (Arctocephalus gazella). Genome Announcements 5: e01001-17

Yao Y., Wang X., Li J., Yang J., Cao S., Peng F., Kurbatova L., Peter H.-U., Braun, C., Li C. (2017): A network for long-term monitoring of vegetation in the area of on Fildes Peninsula, King George Island. Advances in Polar Science 28 (1): 23-28

Cabrita, M.T., Padeiro, A., Amaro, E., Correia dos Santos, M., Leppe, M., Verkulich, S.R., Hughes, K. A., Peter, H.-U., Canário, J. (2017): Evaluating trace element bioavailability and potential transfer into marine food chains using immobilised diatom model species Phaeodactylum tricornutum, on King George Island, Antarctica. Marine Pollution Bulletin 121 (1-2): 192-200

Pereira, J.L., Pereira, P., Padeiro, A., Gonçalves, F., Amaro, E., Leppe, M., Verkulich, S.R., Hughes, K. A., Peter, H.-U., Canário, J. (2017): Environmental hazard assessment of contaminated soils in Antarctica: Using a structured tier 1 approach to inform decision-making. Science of The Total Environment: 574: 443-454

Zhang, H., Chen, J., Han, Z., Jin, H., Li, H., Lu, B., Peter, H.-U., Vetter, W. (2017): Interannual variation of phytoplankton, zooplankton chlorophyll a in the Arctic seas and the relationship with ENSO and AO. Meteorological and Environmental Research 8 (2): 37-48

Krietsch, J., Hahn, S., Kopp, M., Philipps, R.A., Peter, H.-U., Lisovski, S. (2017): Consistent variation in individual migration strategies of brown skuas. Marine Ecology Progress Series  578: 213-225

Pereira, J.L., Pereira, P., Padeiro, A., Gonçalves, F., Amaro, E., Leppe, M., Verkulich, S.R., Hughes, K. A., Peter, H.-U., Canário, J. (2017): Environmental hazard assessment of contaminated soils in Antarctica: Using a structured tier 1 approach to inform decision-making. Science of The Total Environment 574: 443-454


Padeiro, A., Amaro, E., Dos Santos, M.M.C., Araújo, M.F., Gomes, S.S., Leppe, M., Verkulich, S.R., Hughes, K. A., Peter, H.-U., Canário, J. (2016): Trace element contamination and availability in Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica. Environmental Sciences: Processes and Impact 18: 648-657

Grecian, W.J., Witt, M.J., Atrill, M., Bearhop, S., Becker, P.H., Egevang, C., Furness, R.W., Godley, B.J., González-Solís, J., Grémillet, D., Kopp, M., Lescroël, A., Matthiopoulos, J., Patrick, S.C., Peter, H.-U., Phillipps, R.A., Stenhouse, I. J., Votier, S. C. (2016): Seabird diversity hotspot linked to ocean productivity in the Canary Current Large Marine Ecosystem. Biology Letters 12: 20160024

Lisovski, S., Fröhlich, A., von Tersch, M., Klaassen, M., Peter, H.-U. (2016): Sex-Specific Arrival Times on the Breeding Grounds: Hybridizing Migratory Skuas Provide Empirical Support for the Role of Sex Ratios. American Naturalist 187: 532-539

Krietsch, J., Esefeld, J., Braun, C., Lisovski, S., Peter, H.-U. (2016): Long-term dataset reveals significant declines in breeding success and high fluctuations in the number of breeding pairs in two skua species breeding in the Maritime Antarctic on King George Island. Polar Biology 39: 573-582

Rümmler, M.-C., Mustafa, O., Maercker, J., Peter, H.-U., Esefeld, J. (2016): Measuring the influence of unmanned aerial vehicles on Adélie penguins. Polar Biology 39: 1329-1334

Peter, H.-U. (2016): Klimawandel und polare Vögel. In: Lozán, J.L., Breckle, S.W., Müller, R., Rachor, E. (eds.): Warnsignal Klima: Die Biodiversität: 291-296

Meyer, M., Grämer, H. (2016): Ein Beitrag zur Spinnenfauna (Araneae) im Naturschutzgebiet „Windknollen“ und im oberen Pennickental bei Jena, Thüringen. Thüringer Faunistische Abhandlungen XXI 2016: 225-237


Amaro, E., Padeiro, A., Mao de Ferro, A., Mota, A.M., Leppe, M., Verkulich, S., Hughes, K., Peter, H.-U., Canario, J. (2015): Assessing trace element contamination in Fildes Peninsula (King George Island) and Ardley Island, Antarctic, Marine Pollution Bulletin 97: 523-527


Braun, C., Mustafa, O., Nordt, A., Pfeiffer, S., Peter, H.-U. (2014): Environmental Situation and Management Challenges for the Fildes Peninsula Region. In: Tin, T., Liggett, D., Maher, P., Lamers, M. (eds): The Future of Antarctica: Human impacts, strategic planning, and values for conservation, Springer: 169-191

Peter, H.-U. (2014): Polar Birds and their Threats. In: J.L. Lozan (ed.): Warnsinale Klima: Die Polarregionen. Verlag Wissenschaftliche Auswertungen: 169-176

Zhang, H.S., Zhao, J., Han, Z.B. Lu, B., Peter, H.-U. (2014): Population dynamics of Pygoscelis penguins (1980-2012) and penguin dropping records (1916-2001) on Ardley Island of West Antarctica, in response to ENSO. Chinese Science Bulletin 59: 437-446

Zhang H., Han Z., Zhao J., Yu P., Hu Chu., Sun W., Yang D., Zhu G, Lu B., Peter H.-U. (2014): Phytoplankton and chlorophyll a relationships with ENSO in Prydz Bay, East Antarctica. Science China: Earth Sciences, 57 (12): 3073-3083

Zhao, J., Peter, H.-U., Zhang, H., Han, Z., Hu, C., Lu. B., Bianchi, T.S. (2014): Short- and long-term response of phytoplankton to ENSO in Prydz Bay, Antarctica: Evidence from field measurements, remote sensing data and stratigraphic biomarker records. Journal of Ocean University of China 13 (3): 437-444


Peter, H.-U., Braun, C., Janowski, S., Nordt, A., Nordt, A., Stelter, M. (2013): The current environmental situation and proposals for the management of the Fildes Peninsula RegionExternal link. On behalf of the German Environment Agency. Texte 03/2013. Dessau-Rosslau

Mustafa, O., Pfeifer, C., Peter, H.-U., Kopp, M., Metzig, R. (2013): Pilot study on monitoring climate - induced changes in penguin colonies in the Antarctic using satellite images. On behalf of the German Environment Agency. Texte 30/2017. Dessau-Rosslau


Braun, C., Mustafa, O., Nordt, A., Pfeiffer, S., Peter, H.-U. (2012): Environmental Monitoring and Management Proposals for the Fildes Region (King George Island, Antarctica). Polar Research 31: 18206

Zhang, H., Lu, D., Yu, P., Zhang, W., Lu, B., Peter, H.-U. , Vetter, W. (2012): Biomarker records in penguin droppings and observed changes in penguin communities and their response to the ENSO in the Western Antarctic. Science China, Earth Sciences 55: 1238-1247


Kopp, M., Peter, H.-U., Mustafa, O., Lisovski, S., Ritz, M.S., Phillips, R.A., Hahn, S. (2011): South Polar skuas from a single breeding population overwinter in different oceans though show similar migration patterns. Marine Ecology Progress Series 435: 263-267

Piepenburg, D., Werner, I., Auel, H., Peter, H.-U. (2011): Der Rückgang des polaren Meereises und seine ökologischen Auswirkungen. In: J.L. Lozán, H. Graßl, L. Karbe & K. Reise (eds.). Warnsignal Klima: Die Meere – Änderungen & Risiken: 207-212

Cervencl, A., Esser, W., Exo, K.-M. (2011): Can differences in incubation patterns of Common Redshanks Tringa totanus be explained by variations in predation risk? Journal of Ornithology 152 (4): 1033-1043

Rothgänger, A., Wiesner J. (2011): Hinweise auf eine Partnertrennung beim Sperlingskauz Glaucidium passerinum im Herbst. Eulenrundblick 61: 3-9


Ritz, M.S., Köhler, G. (2010): Natural and sexual selection on male behaviour and morphology, and female choice in a wild field cricket population: spatial, temporal and analytical components. Evolutionary Ecology 24 (5): 985-1001

Sternkopf, V., Liebers-Helbig, D., Ritz, M.S., Zhang, J., Helbig, A.J., de Knijff, P. (2010): Introgressive hybridization and the evolutionary history of the herring gull complex revealed by mitochondrial and nuclear DNA. BMC Evolutionary Biology 10: 348

Techow, N.M.S.M., O’Ryan, C., Phillips, R.A., Gales, R., Marin, M., Patterson-Fraser, D., Quintana, F., Ritz, M.S., Thompson, D.R., Wanless, R.M., Weimerskirch, H., Ryan, P.G. (2010): Speciation and phylogeography of giant petrels Macronectes. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 54 (2): 472-487

De Villiers, M.S., Mecenero, S., Sherley, R.B., Heinze, E., Kieser, J., Leshoro, M., Merbold, L., Nordt, A., Parsons, N., Peter, H.-U. (2010): Introduced European rabbits Oryctolagus cuniculus and domestic cats Felis catus at Robben Island: Population trends and management recommendations. South African Journal of Wildlife Research 40 (2): 139-148

Rothgänger, A., Wiesner, J. (2010): Heimlicher Waldbewohner – Eine telemetrische Untersuchung am Sperlingskauz Glaucidium passerinum in Thüringen. Eulenrundblick 60: 15-20

Rümpler, F., Peter, H.-U. (2010): Der ehemalige Truppenübungsplatz „Jenaer Forst“Erfolgskontrolle landschaftspflegerischer Maßnahmen. Landschaftspflege und Naturschutz in Thüringen 47: 118-133


Lisovski, S., Pavel, V., Weidinger, K., Peter, H.-U. (2009): First breeding record of the Light-mantled Sooty Albatross (Phoebetria palpebrata) for the maritime Antarctic. Polar Biology 32: 1811-1813

Gladbach, A., Braun, C., Nordt, A., Peter, H.-U., Quillfeldt, P. (2009): Estimation of feeding frequencies by periodic weighing of chicks: evaluation by video-observation of burrownesting Wilson’s Storm-Petrels (Oceanites oceanicus). Emu 109: 316-320

Gladbach, A., Braun, C., Nordt, A., Peter, H.-U., Quillfeldt, P. (2009): Chick provisioning and nest attendance of male and female Wilson´s storm petrels Oceanites oceanicus. Polar Biology 32: 1315-1321

Gladbach, A., Büßer C., Mundry, R., Quillfeldt P. (2009): Acoustic parameters of begging calls indicate chick body condition in Wilson’s storm-petrels Oceanites oceanicus: Journal of Ethology 27 (2): 267-274

Tin, T., Fleming, Z.L., Hughes K.A., Ainley D.G., Conveys, P., Moreno, C.A., Pfeiffer, S., Scott, J., Snape, I. (2009): Review: Impacts of local human activities on the Antarctic environment. Antarctic Science 21 (1): 3-33

Peter, H.-U., Huch, M. (2009): Das Internationale Polarjahr. Folge 21: Studenten-Expeditionen im Internationalen Polarjahr. Polarforschung 78: 125-127


Büßer, C., Hahn, S., Gladbach, A., Lorenz, S., Nordt, A., Quillfeldt, P., Schmoll, T., Peter, H.-U. (2008): A decade of fundamental ecological research on storm-petrels at the Tres Hermanos colony, Potter Peninsula, King George Island. Reports on Polar and Marine Research 571: 168-175

Hahn, S., Bauer, S. (2008): Dominance in feeding territories relates to foraging success and offspring growth in brown skuas Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 62: 1149-1157

Hahn, S., Ritz, M.S., Reinhardt, K. (2008): Marine foraging and annual fish consumption of a south polar skua population in the maritime Antarctic. Polar Biology 31 (8): 959-969

Janicke, T., Hahn, S. (2008): On the performance of brown skua, Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi, vocalizations: reply. Animal Behaviour 76: E3-E5

Janicke, T., Hahn, S., Ritz, M.S., Peter, H.-U. (2008): Vocal performance reflects individual quality in a non-passerine. Animal Behaviour 75 (1): 91-98

Patterson, D.L., Woehler, E.J., Croxall, J.P., Cooper, J., Poncet, S., Peter, H.-U., Hunter, S., Fraser, W.R. (2008): Breeding distribution and population status of the Northern Giant Petrel Macronectes halli and the Southern Giant Petrel M. giganteus. Marine Ornithology 36: 115‑124

Ritz, M.S., Millar, C., Miller, G.D., Phillips, R.A., Ryan, P., Sternkopf, V., Liebers-Helbig, D., Peter, H.-U. (2008): Phylogeography of the southern skua complex – rapid colonisation of the southern hemisphere during a glacial period and reticulate evolution. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 49 (1): 292-303

Voigtländer, K., Peter, H.-U. (2008): Myriopoda Übersicht, Chilopoda. In: Bährmann, R. (ed.): Bestimmung wirbelloser Tiere. 5. überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg: 47-49

Peter, H.-U., Voigtländer, K.(2008): Myriopoda Diplopoda. In: Bährmann, R. (ed.): Bestimmung wirbelloser Tiere. 5. überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Spektrum Akademischer Verlag, Heidelberg: 50-51

Ferman, L. M., Peter, H.-U., Montalti, D. (2008): A first local study of feral pigeon (Columba livia var.) in urban and suburban areas in the city of Jena, Germany. Arxius de Miscellània Zoològica 8: 1-8

Cervencl, A., Exo, K.-M., Oberdiek, N., Thyen, S. (2008): Räumliche Variation im Inkubationsverhalten des Rotschenkels Tringa totanus: Anpassung an Prädationsdruck? Jahresbericht, Institut für Vogelforschung 8: 16

Peter, H.-U., Büßer, C., Mustafa, O., Pfeiffer, S. (2008): Risk assessment for the Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island, and the development of management plans for their designation as Antarctic Specially Protected or Specially Managed AreasExternal link. On behalf of the German Environment Agency. Texte 20/2008. Dessau-Rosslau

Peter, H.-U., Braun, C., Mustafa, O., Pfeiffer, S. (2008): Vögel der Antarktis – Ökologische Langzeitstudien auf der Fildes Halbinsel (King George Island). Meer und Museum, Schriftenreihe des Deutschen Meeresmuseum, Band 20: 143‑156

Thyen, S., Exo, K.-M., Cervencl, A., Esser, E., Oberdiek, N. (2008): Salzwiesen im niedersächsischen Wattenmeer als Brutgebiet für Rotschenkel Tringa totanus: Wertvolle Rückzugsgebiete oder ökologische Fallen? Vogelwarte 46: 121-130

Unger, C., Klaus, S. (2008): Überlebensraten und Todesursachen umgesiedelter russischer Auerhühner in Thüringen und der Einfluss der Jahreszeit und der Habitatqualität auf ihr Fluchtverhalten. Acta Ornithoecologica 6: 143-155


Gladbach, A., McGill, R.A.R., Quillfeldt, P. (2007): Foraging areas of Wilson's storm-petrel Oceanites oceanicus in the breeding and inter-breeding period determined by stable isotope analysis. Polar Biology 30 (8): 1005-1012

Hahn, S., Reinhardt, K., Ritz, M.S., Janicke, T., Montalti, D., Peter, H.-U. (2007): Oceanographic and climatic factors differentially affect reproduction performance of Antarctic skuas. Marine Ecology Progress Series 334: 287-297

Janicke, T., Chakarov, N. (2007): Effect of weather conditions on the communal roosting behaviour of common ravens Corvus corax with unlimited food resources. Journal of Ethology 25: 71-78

Janicke, T., Ritz, M.S., Hahn, S., Peter, H.-U. (2007): Sex recognition in Brown Skuas: Do acoustic signals matter? Journal of Ornithology 148 (4): 565-569

Pfeiffer, S., Büßer, C., Mustafa, O., Peter, H.-U. (2007): Tourism Growth and Proposed Management Solutions in the Fildes Peninsula Region (King George Island, Antarctica). Tourism in Marine Environments 4: 151-165

Ritz, M.S. (2007): Sex-specific mass loss in chick-rearing South Polar Skuas (Stercorarius maccormicki) - Stress induced or adaptive? Ibis 149: 156-165

Ritz, M.S., Köhler, G. (2007): Male behaviour over the season in a wild population of the field cricket Gryllus campestris L. Ecological Entomology 32 (4): 384-392

Thiel, D., Unger, C., Kéry, M., Jenni, L. (2007): Selection of night roosts in winter by capercaillie Tetrao urogallus in Central Europe. Wildlife Biology 13 (Suppl. 1): 73-86

Votier, S.C., Kennedy, M., Bearhop, S., Newell, R.G., Griffiths, K., Whitaker, H., Ritz, M.S., Furness, R.W. (2007): Supplementary DNA evidence fails to confirm presence of Brown Skuas Stercorarius antarctica in Europe: a retraction of Votier (2004). Ibis 149 (3): 619‑621

Unger, C., Klaus, S. (2007): Die Situation des Auerhuhns in Thüringen – Ergebnisse der aktuellen Forschung. Landschaftspflege und Naturschutz in Thüringen 44: 104-112


Hahn, S., Kunert, G. (2006): Short-term consequences of nutritional depression on foraging behaviour of dark bush-crickets Pholidoptera griseoaptera. European Journal of Entomology 103: 249-253

Hahn S., Reinhardt K. (2006): Habitat preference and reproductive traits of the Antarctic midge Parochlus steinenii (Diptera; Chironomidae). Antarctic Science 18 (2): 175-181

Masello, J.F., Choconi, R.G., Sehgal, R.N.M., Tell, L., Quillfeldt, P. (2006): Blood and intestinal parasites in wild Psittaciformes: a case study of Burrowing parrots (Cyanoliseus patagonus). Ornitologia Neotropical 17: 515-529

Quillfeldt, P., Masello, J.F., Lubjuhn, T. (2006): Variation in the adult body mass of Wilson’s storm petrels Oceanites oceanicus during breeding. Polar Biology 29 (5): 372-378

Ritz, M.S., Hahn, S., Janicke, T., Peter, H.-U. (2006): Hybridisation between South polar skua (Catharacta maccormicki) and Brown skua (C. antarctica lonnbergi) in the Antarctic Peninsula region. Polar Biology 29 (3): 153-159

Shurulinkov P. and Chakarov N. (2006): Prevalence of blood parasites in different local populations of reed warbler (Acrocephalus scirpaceus) and great reed warbler (Acrocephalus arundinaceus). Parasitology Research 99 (5): 588-592

Peter, H.-U. (2006): Die Vogelwelt der Polarregionen und ihre Gefährdung. In: Lozan, J.L. (ed): Warnsignale aus den Polarregionen. Hamburg: 140-146

Peter, H.-U. (2006): Antarctic Tern. In: Riffenburgh, B. (ed.): Encyclopedia of the Antarctic. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, New York: 81-82

Peter, H.-U. (2006): Arctic Tern. In: Riffenburgh, B. (ed.): Encyclopedia of the Antarctic. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, New York: 90-91

Peter, H.-U. (2006): Chilean Skua In: Riffenburgh, B. (ed.): Encyclopedia of the Antarctic. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, New York: 225-226

Peter, H.-U. (2006): Kerguelen Tern. In: Riffenburgh, B. (ed.): Encyclopedia of the Antarctic. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, New York: 568

Peter, H.-U. (2006): Skuas Overview. In: Riffenburgh, B. (ed.): Encyclopedia of the Antarctic. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, New York: 899-901

Peter, H.-U. (2006): Terns Overview. In: Riffenburgh, B. (ed.): Encyclopedia of the Antarctic. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, New York: 989-991

Pfeiffer, S. (2006): Sub-Antarctic Skua. In: Riffenburgh, B. (ed.): Encyclopedia of the Antarctic. Routledge Taylor & Francis Group, New York: 968

Sacher, T., Engler, J., Gorschewski, A., Gottschling, M., Hesler, N., Bairlein, F., Coppack, T. (2006): Die Helgoländer Amselpopulation: Ein Modell für Populationsgenetik und Zugbiologie. Ornithologischer Jahresbericht Helgoland 16: 76-84

Rothgänger, A. (2006): Ein Tag im Leben eines Sperlingskauzes. Kauzbrief 18: 4-7

Rothgänger, A., Lubjuhn, T., Wiesner, J. (2006): Kuckuckskinder beim Sperlingskauz Glaucidium passerinum? – Eine genetische Analyse mit Hilfe des DNA-Fingerprinting. Eulenrundblick 55/56: 28-31


Hahn, S., Peter, H.-U., Bauer, S. (2005): Skuas at penguin carcass: patch use and state-dependent leaving decisions in a top-predator. Proceedings of the Royal Society B: 272 (1571): 1449‑1454

Quillfeldt, P., McGill, R.A.R., Furness, R. (2005): Diet and foraging areas of Southern Ocean seabirds and their prey inferred from stable isotopes: review and case study of Wilson’s storm-petrel. Marine Ecology Progress Series 334: 295-304

Ritz, M.S., Hahn, S., Peter, H.-U. (2005): Factors affecting chick growth in the South Polar Skua (Catharacta maccormicki): food supply, weather and hatching date. Polar Biology 29 (1): 53-60


Büßer, C., Kahles, A., Quillfeldt, P. (2004): Breeding success and chick provisioning in Wilsons storm-petrels Oceanites oceanicus over seven years: frequent failures due to food shortage and entombment. Polar Biology 27 (10): 613-622

Masello, J.F., Pagnossin, M.L., Lubjuhn, T., Quillfeldt, P. (2004): Ornamental non-carotinoid red feathers of wild burrowing parrots. Ecological Research 19 (4): 421-432

Masello, J.F., Quillfeldt, P. (2004): Are haematological parameters related to body condition, ornamentation and breeding success in wild burrowing parrots Cyanolyseus patagonicus. Journal of Avian Biology 35: 445-454

Pfeiffer, S., Peter, H.-U. (2004): Ecological studies toward the management of an Antarctic tourist landing site (Penguin Island, South Shetland Islands). Polar Record 40: 345-353

Quillfeldt, P., Masello, J.F., Möstl, E. (2004): Blood quemistry in relation in relation to nutrition and ectoparasite load in Wilson´s strom-petrels Oceanites oceanicus. Polar Biology 27 (3): 168-176

Votier, S.C., Furness, R.W., Bearhop, S., Crane, J.E., Caldow, R.W.G., Catry, P., Ensor, K., Hamer, K.C., Hudson, A.V., Kalmbach, E., Klomp, N.I., Pfeiffer, S., Phillips, R.A., Prieto, I., Thompson, D.R. (2004): Changes in fisheries discard rates and seabird communities. Nature 427: 727-730

Köhler, G., Pfeiffer, S. (2004): Zur ökologischen Effizienz einer Entwaldungsmaßnahme auf einem Muschelkalksteilhang. Landschaftspflege und Naturschutz in Thüringen. 41 (1): 15-22


Hahn, S., Peter, H.-U. (2003): Feeding territoriality and the reproductive consequences in brown skuas Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi. Polar Biology 26: 552-559

Hahn, S., Peter, H.-U. (2003): Sex and age dependency of wing patch size in Brown Skuas. Emu 103 (1): 37-41

Masello, J., Quillfeldt, P. (2003): Body size, body condition and ornamental feathers of Burrowing Parrots: variation between years and sexes, assortative mating and influences on breeding success. Emu 103: 149-161

Quillfeldt, P., Möstl, E. (2003): Resource allocation in Wilson's storm-petrels Oceanites oceanicus determined by measurement of glucocorticoid excretion. Acta Ethologica 5 (2): 115-122

Gerighausen, U., Bräutigam, K., Mustafa, O., Peter, H.-U. (2003): Expansion of Antarctic vascular plants on an Antarctic island - a consequence of climate change? In: A.H.L. Huiskes, W.W.C. Gieskes, J. Rozema, R.M.L. Schorno, S.M. van der Vies, and W.J. Wolff (eds). Antarctic Biology in a Global Context, Backhuys, Leiden: 79-83

Wang, Z., Peter, H.-U. (2003): Impacts of station garbage on the diet of Antarctic skuas in King George Island. Chinese Journal of Polar Research 15: 177-185

Hahn, S., Ritz, M.S., Peter, H.-U. (2003): Living in mixed pairs – better for fitness? A study in skuas. In: A.H.L. Huiskes, W.W.C. Gieskes, J. Rozema, R.M.L. Schorno, S.M. van der Vies, and W.J. Wolff (eds). Antarctic Biology in a Global Context, Backhuys, Leiden: 229‑233

Pfeiffer, S., Peter, H.-U. (2003): Umsetzung des Umweltschutzprotokoll-Ausführungsgesetzes (AUG), Teilvorhaben 3: Bestandsaufnahme und Managementpläne für zwei touristisch genutzte Gebiete der Antarktis. Bundesministerium für Umwelt, Naturschutz und Reaktorsicherheit, Forschungsbericht 298 19 159


Ritz, M., Sakaluk, S.K. (2002): The role of the male’s cerci in copulation and mate guarding in decorated crickets (Gryllodes sigillatus). Journal of Zoology 257 (4): 519-523

Quillfeldt, P. (2002): Begging in the absence of sibling competition in Wilson's storm-petrels, Oceanites oceanicus. Animal Behaviour 64: 579-587

Lubjuhn, T., Sramkova, A., Masello, J.F., Quillfeldt, P., Epplen, J.T. (2002): Truly hypervariable DNA fingerprints due to exceptionally high mutation rates. Electrophoresis 23: 517-519

Masello, J.F., Quillfeldt, P. (2002): Chick growth and breeding success of the Burrowing Parrot. The Condor 104: 574-586

Masello, J.F., Sramkova, A., Quillfeldt, P., Epplen, J.T., Lubjuhn, T. (2002): Genetic monogamy in burrowing parrots Cyanoliseus patagonus? Journal of Avian Biology 33: 99‑103

Quillfeldt, P. (2002): Seasonal and annual variation in the diet of breeding and non-breeding Wilson's storm-petrels on King George Island, South Shetland Islands. Polar Biology 25 (3): 216-222

Wang, Z., Peter, H.-U. (2002): Comparison on ecology of skua populations at Great Wall Station and Zhonshan Station. Chinese Journal of Polar Research 14: 83-92

Köhler, G., Hahn, S., Reinhardt, K., Wagner, G., Ritz, M. (2002): Was geschieht mit toten Heuschrecken auf Magerrasen? Ein Freilandexperiment. Articulata 17 (2): 33-49

Mey, E, Masello, J.F., Quillfeldt, P. (2002): Chewing lice (Insecta, Phthiraptera) of the burrowing parrot Cyanoliseus p. patagonus (VIEILLOT) from Argentina. Rudolstädter naturhistorische Schriften, Supplement 4: 99-112

Unger, C., Peter, H.-U. (2002): Elterliches Investment der Dohle Corvus monedula bei der Jungenaufzucht. Vogelwelt 123: 55-64


Masello, J.F., Pagnossin, G.A., Palleiro, G.E., Quillfeldt, P. (2001): Use of miniature security cameras to record behavior of burrow-nesting birds. Die Vogelwarte 41: 150-154

Quillfeldt, P., Schmoll, T., Peter, H.-U., Epplen, J., Lubjuhn, T. (2001): Genetic monogamy in Wilsons`s Storm-Petrels. The Auk 118, 242-248


Quillfeldt, P., Peter, H.-U. (2000): Provisioning and growth in chicks of Wilson´s storm-petrels Oceanites oceanicus on King George Island, South Shetland Islands. Polar Biology 23: 817-828

Quillfeldt, P., Schmoll, T., Peter, H.-U. (2000): The use of foot web colouration for the estimation of prebreeder numbers in Wilson´s storm-petrels, Oceanites oceanicus. Polar Biology 23: 802-804

Ritz, M.S. (2000): Verhalten der Männchen in einer Wildpopulation der Feldgrille (Gryllus campestris L.). Articulata 15: 87-98


Braun, C. (2024): Ecological long-term research of the Jena University, Germany, Scientific Meeting at Great Wall Station, King George Island, Antarctic

De Feo, B., Braun, C., Krojmal, E., Lozoya, J.P., Lacerot, G., Russ, A., Teixeira de Mello, F. (2023): Transferencia de microplásticos intra e interespecífico por alimentación y depredación en aves marinas de la Península Fildes, Isla Rey Jorge, Antártida. VII Uruguayan Zoology Congress

Ausems, A.N.M.A., Archuby, D., Braun, C., Gębczyński, A. Hahn, S., Jadwiszczak P., Jakubas, D., Kraemer, P., Kuepper, N.D., Libertelli, M.M., Lorenz, S., Richter, B., Ruß, A., Schmoll, T., Thébault, J., Thorn, S., Turner, J., Wojczulanis-Jakubas, K., Quillfeldt, P. (2022): Where have all the petrels gone? 40 years of environmental change and population dynamics of Wilson’s storm-petrels. 15th International Seabird Group Conference, Cork/Ireland

Braun, C., Grämer, H., Peter, H.-U. (2022): Interaction of seabirds with anthropogenic material in the Maritime Antarctic, Presented at: 10th SCAR 2022 Online

Braun, C. (2020): The Antarctic is getting “green”. Local rapid expansion of the Antarctic hair grass in the Maritime Antarctic. Scientific Seminars, Escudero Station, Antarktis

Braun, C. (2020): 40 Years German Biologists in Bellingshausen station. Scientific Symposium 200th Anniversary of the Discovery of Antarctica, Station Bellingshausen, Antarktis

Peter, H.-U., Braun, C., Esefeld, J., Mustafa, O. Pfeifer, C. Rümmler, M.-C. (2020): Penguins, satellites and drones. Scientific Seminars, Escudero Station, Antarktis

Mustafa, O., Braun, C., Esefeld, J., Knetsch, S., Maercker, J, Pfeifer, C., Rümmler, M.-C. (2019): Detecting Antarctic Seals and Flying Seabirds by UAV. ISPRS Geospatial Week 2019, Enschede, Netherlands

Braun, C. (2019): Ecological studies in the Fildes Region. 3. Summer School EVIIA, Station Artigas, King George Island, Antarktis

Peter, H.-U. (2018): Penguins and drones. Round Table during 27th International Ornithological Congress, Vancouver/Canada

Mustafa, O., Esefeld, J., Firla, M., Senf, M., Peter, H.-U., Pfeifer; C.: Intraseasonal Variability of Remotely Sensed Penguin Colony Counts. Polar 2018 SCAR/IASC Open Science Conference, Davos/Switzerland.

Esefeld, J. (2018): An Introduction to 34 years of Jena research at King George Island Summer school: Modern Polar Biology – Methods and Results. Jena

Braun, C. (2018): Long-term monitoring and climate change at King George Island. Summer school: Modern Polar Biology – Methods and Results. Jena

Peter, H.-U. (2018): Use of transmitter and logger for skua research Summer school: Modern Polar Biology – Methods and Results. Jena

Senf, M. (2018): Breeding phenology of penguins. Summer school: Modern Polar Biology – Methods and Results. Jena

Rümmler, M.-C. (2018): Wildlife protection in Antarctica: guidelines, protected areas and min.distances. Summer school: Modern Polar Biology – Methods and Results. Jena

Ritter, R. (2018): Long-term data collection on skua populations on Fildes and Ardley Island. Summer school: Modern Polar Biology – Methods and Results. Jena

Prater, I., Hrbacek, F., Meier, L.A., Braun, C., Nyvlt, D., Mueller, C.W. (2018): Vegetation patches determine the fate of soil organic matter on islands in maritime Antarctica. 27th International Polar Conference, Rostock

Mustafa, O., Peter, H.-U., Rümmler., M.-C., Pfeifer, C., Maercker, J. (2018): Mapping Antarctic wildlife by use of unmanned aerial vehicles. 27th International Polar Conference, Rostock

Braun, C. (2018): Ecological studies in the Fildes Region. 3. Summer School EVIIA, Station Artigas, King George Island, Antarktis

Ritter, R., Peter, H.-U., Braun, C. (2018): Long-term data collection on skua populations on Fildes peninsula and Ardley Island. International Science Symposium, Bellingshausen Station, Antarktis

Pfeifer, C., Mustafa, O., Rümmler, M.-C., Peter, H.-U., Haucke, M., Maercker, J. (2018): A different view on penguins - multispectral mapping of penguin colonies by drones. International Science Symposium, Bellingshausen Station, Antarktis

Peter, H.-U. (2018): 35 years of biological research on Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island – an overview. International Science Symposium, Bellingshausen Station, Antarktis

Peter, H.-U. (2018): Ornithologische Forschungen in der Antarktis. Ausstellungseröffnung Museum Museum für Naturkunde und Vorgeschichte Dessau-Rosslau

Peter, H.-U. (2018): Ornithologische Forschung in der Antarktis. Science Pub Jena

Braun, C. (2017): Human impact on Antarctic seabirds. Gehalten im Rahmen des Russisch-Deutschen Master-Programms CORELIS “Ecology of KGI, Antarctic”, Sankt Petersburg, Russland

Senf, M., Braun, C., Esefeld, J., Grämer, H., Maercker, J., Peter, H.-U. Peter, Pfeifer, C., Prowaznik, D., Rümmler, M.-C., Mustafa, O. (2017): Auswirkungen verschiedener Umweltfaktoren auf die Brutphänologie von Adélie- und Eselspinguinen. 150. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Halle (Saale)

Rümmler, M.-C., Esefeld, J., Mustafa, O., Hertel, F., Peter, H.-U. (2017): Einfluss von Drohnenüberflügen, Wissenschaftlern und Touristen auf Pinguine. 150. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Halle (Saale)

Rümmler, M.-C., Esefeld, J., Mustafa, O., Maercker, J., Pfeifer, C., Hertel, F., Peter, H.-U.: Impact on micro UAVs on Antarctic wildlife. Workshop „Drones and Antarctic Biology“. SCAR Biology Symposium 2017, Leuwen, Belgien

Pfeifer, C., Maercker, J., Mustafa, O., Rümmler, M.-C., Peter, H.-U. (2017): A different view on penguins – multispectral mapping of penguin colonies by drones. Workshop „Drones and Antarctic Biology“. SCAR Biology Symposium 2017, Leuwen Belgien

Braun, C., Esefeld, J., Peter, H.-U. (2017): Aktuelle biologische Forschung in der Antarktis. Tagung „Schule MIT Wissenschaft Thüringen“, Stiftung für Technologie, Innovation und Forschung Thüringen, Weimar

Mustafa, O., Knetsch, S., Peter, H.-U., Pfeifer, C. (2017): Ein anderer Blick - die Eignung von Sentinel-2 Bildern für die Detektierung von Pinguinkolonien. Copernicus Forum Berlin

Rümmler, M.-C. (2017): Drones as a new tool for Antarctic wildlife monitoring. YOUMARES 8 – Conference for young marine researchers, Kiel

Braun, C., Esefeld, J., Peter, H.-U. (2017): Uninvited guests: Human disturbance of southern giant petrels on King George Island, Antarctic. Scientific Seminars at Escudero Station, Antarctica

Rümmler, M.-C., Esefeld, J., Mustafa, O., Maercker, J., Pfeifer, C., Hertel, F., Peter, H.-U. (2017): The impact of micro UAVs. Scientific Seminars at Escudero Station, King George Island, Antarctica

Braun, C., Esefeld, J., Peter, H.-U. (2016): Uninvited guests: Human disturbance of southern giant petrels on King George Island. Antarctic. Polar Ecology Conference, Česke Budějovice/Czech Republic

Krietsch, J., Kopp, M., Esefeld, J., Stelter, M., Peter, H.-U., Lisovski, S. (2016): Linking ocean productivity with movement and activity patterns of a seabird. SCAR Open Science Conference, Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia

Rümmler, M.-C., Mustafa, O., Esefeld, J., Maercker, J., Hertel, F., Peter, H.-U. (2016): The impact of UAVs on penguins. SCAR Open Science Conference, Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia

Pfeifer, C., Esefeld, J., Grämer, H., Maercker, J., Peter, H.-U., Prowaznik, D., Rümmler, M.-C., Senf, M., Mustafa, O. (2016): Intraseasonal dynamic of guano cover in Pygoscelis penguin colonies derived from satellite images. SCAR Open Science Conference, Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia

Esefeld, J., Kopp, M., Lisovski, S., Peter, H.-U. (2015): Interspecies differences in parental role division during the breeding season in two Antarctic skua species. 2nd World Seabird Conference, Capetown/South Africa

Krietsch, J., Kopp, M., Esefeld, J., Stelter, M., Peter, H.-U., Lisovski, S. (2015): Distribution pattern of Brown Skuas during non-breeding period – High individual consistency between consecutive years. 2nd World Seabird Conference, Capetown/South Africa

Krietsch, J. Kopp, M., Esefeld, J., Stelter, M, Peter, H.-U., Lisovski, S. (2015): Braune Skuas auf hoher See: Wie Individuen die Verbreitungsmuster einer Population bestimmen. 148. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Konstanz

Mustafa, O., Esefeld, J., Peter, H.-U., Pfeifer, C., Hertel, F., Maercker, J. (2015): A different view on penguins - multispectral mapping of penguins by drones. 26. Internationale Polartagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Polarforschung, München

Rümmler, M.-C., Mustafa, O., Esefeld, J., Maercker, J., Senf, M., Hertel, F., Peter, H.-U. (2015): The impact of unmanned aerial vehicles on Penguins, Giant Petrels and Seals – Influence of different flight highs on behavioral changes. 26. Internationale Polartagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Polarforschung, München

Rümmler, M.-C., Mustafa, O., Esefeld, J., Maercker, J., Senf, M., Hertel, F., Peter, H.-U. (2015): Reaktion von Pinguinen, Riesensturmvögeln und Robben auf Drohnenüberflüge – Auswirkung unterschiedlicher Flughöhen auf das Verhalten. 148. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Konstanz

Peter, H.-U., Braun, C., Esefeld, J., Hertel, F., Mustafa, O. and Pfeiffer, S. (2014): Environmental Research on Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island/ South Shetland Islands. International Symposium on Polar Science, Wuhan/China

Peter, H.-U., Braun, C., Esefeld, J., Hertel, F., Mustafa, F., Pfeiffer, S. (2014): Conservation Challenges at Fildes Peninsula. Antarctic Conservation flipped symposium – XXXIII SCAR Open Science Conference, Auckland/New Zealand

Mustafa, O., Esefeld, J., Hertel, F., Krietsch, J., Peter, H.-U., Pfeifer, C., Rümmler, M.-C., Contreras-Staeding, A. (2014): Mapping of Pygoscelis penguins by using an UAV in the vicinity of southwestern King George Island. XXXIII SCAR Open Science Conference, Auckland/New Zealand

Peter, H.-U. (2014): Mapping of Pygoscelis penguin colonies by using an UAV. 26th International Ornithological Congress, Tokyo/Japan

Peter, H.-U., Esefeld, J., Janowski, S., Krietsch, J., Mustafa, O., Nordt, A., Pfeiffer, S., Russ, A. Stelter, M. Braun, C. (2014): Antarctic Seabirds as Indicators of Anthropogenic Influences. 26th International Ornithological Congress, Tokyo/Japan

Esefeld, J., Hahn, S., Kopp, M., Krietsch, J., Lisovski, S., Ritz, M., Rümmler, M.-C., Reinhart, K., Stelter, M., and Peter, H.-U.: (2014): Tell me how you live! Long-term skua research on Fildes. International Science Meeting at Escudero Station/Antarctica

Peter, H.-U., Braun, C., Esefeld, J., Hertel, F., Mustafa, O. (2014): Environmental Research on Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island/South Shetland Islands. International Science Meeting at Escudero Station/Antarctica

Mustafa, O., Esefeld, J., Hertel, F., Krietsch, J., Peter, H.-U., Pfeifer, C., Rümmler, M.-C. (2014): Drohnenbasierte Kartierung von Pinguinkolonien im Bereich King George Island. 147. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Bielefeld

Peter, H.-U. (2014): Vom Vogelring zum Datenlogger – 35 Jahre ornithologische Forschung auf King George Island/Antarktis. Universität Potsdam

Peter, H.-U.: 25 Expeditionen zum Rande des ewigen Eises (2014): Forschungen an antarktischen Vögeln und Robben. Fakultätskolloquium FSU Jena

Rümmler, M.-C., Hertel, F., Mustafa, O., Peter, H.-U. (2014): Reaktion von Esels- und Adéliepinguinen auf Drohnenüberflüge – Auswirkung unterschiedlicher Flughöhen auf das Verhalten der Pinguine. 147. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Bielefeld

Schäfer, J., Schmoll, T., Peter, H.-U. (2014): Die Dohle (Corvus monedula L.) eine individuenbasierte Langzeitstudie. 147. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Bielefeld

Peter, H.-U. (2013): Research and conservation in Antarctic Seabirds. Waterbird Society, 37th Annual Meeting, Wilhelmshaven (invited plenary speaker)

Geidel, C. (2013): Welche Faktoren bestimmen den Bruterfolg des Uhus (Bubo bubo) im Südlichen Frankenjura? Nachwuchstagung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft in Wilhelmshaven

Geidel, C. (2013): Telemetrie als Grundlage zur Erarbeitung von Schutzmaßnahmen für den Uhu. Jahreshauptversammlung der LBV-Kreisgruppe Weilheim-Schongau

Geidel, C. (2013): Uhu & Windkraft – eine telemetriegestützte Konfliktanalyse. Jahreshauptversammlung der LBV-Kreisgruppe Landsberg am Lech

Geidel, C. (2013): Uhu & Windkraft – eine telemetriegestützte Konfliktanalyse. Jahreshauptversammlung der LBV-Kreisgruppe Neumarkt in der Oberpfalz

Geidel, C. (2013): Entwicklung neuartiger Schutzkonzepte für den Uhu Bubo bubo. Projektbegleitende Steuergruppe aus Vertretern des Bayerischen Staatsministeriums für Umwelt und Gesundheit (StMUG), des bayerischen Landesamtes für Umwelt (LfU), der Bezirksregierungen und des LBV

Geidel, C. (2013): Bedeutung der Winterbeute für den Bruterfolg des Uhus. Eulenschützertreffen für Ober-, Unter- und Mittelfranken

Hertel, F., Peter, H.-U. (2013): Results and Conclusions from Environmental Monitoring on Fildes Peninsula. Korean/German Workshop about Environmental Monitoring on King George Island, Seoul/Korea

Peter, H.-U. (2013): Results and Experiences of Breeding Bird Monitoring on Ardley Island (ASPA 150) from Previous Cooperation between German and Korean scientists. Korean/German Workshop about Environmental Monitoring on King George Island, Seoul/Korea

Peter, H.-U. (2013): Ongoing German Project 'Monitoring Maxwell Bay' and Cooperation with Korea. Korean/German Workshop about Environmental Monitoring on King George Island, Seoul/Korea

Peter, H.-U. (2013): Beringung in der Antarktis. Beringertagung Seebach

Peter, H.-U., Braun, C., Esefeld, J., Herrmann, T.M., Kim, J.H., Krietsch, J., Stelter, M. (2013): Klimawandel, natürliche Witterungsphänomene und direkte anthropogene Einflüsse beeinflussen Vogelpopulationen auf King George Island/ Antarktis. 25. Internationale Polartagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Polarforschung, Hamburg

Stelter, M. (2013): Genetic monogamy of Skuas in an interbreeding population on King George Island. International Science Meeting at Escudero Station, Antarctica

Braun, C., Lüdecke, C. (2012): Fildes Peninsula – A Place of Threatened Historic Sites. Presented at the conference "Conservation Challenges, Solutions and Collaboration Opportunities in Uncontrolled Environments" of the ICOMOS International Antarctic Heritage Committee

Mustafa, O., Body, A., Fraser, W., Hertel, F., Kopp, M., Lyver, P., Metzig, R., Peter, H.-U., Pfeifer, C., Weimerskirch, H. (2012): Towards an Antarctic-wide and multinational system of monitoring penguin colonies by using satellite based remote sensing. V SCAR Open Science Conference, Portland/USA

Peter, H.-U. (2012): 40 Jahre Dohlen-Monitoring an der Saaltetalbrücke Jena. 145. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Saarbrücken

Kopp, M., Hahn, S., Peter, H.-U. (2011): Breeding in sympatry, wintering far separated – changes in foraging patterns of two southern skua species in the annual cycle. 8. Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union, Riga/Latvia

Esefeld, J., Kopp, M., Lisovski, S., Peter, H.-U. (2011): Brutrollenverteilung bei Skuas und mögliche Rückschlüsse auf Ursachen des reversen Sexualgrößendimorphismus. Nachwuchstagung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Seewiesen

Esefeld, J., Kopp, M., Lisovski, S., Peter, H.-U. (2011): Arbeitsteilung bei Skuapaaren: Wie wirkt sich Sexualdimorphismus auf die Partnerrollen aus? 144. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Potsdam

Rothgänger, A., Wiesner J. (2011): Der Sperlingskauz Glaucidium passerinum – Untersuchung zum Raum-Zeit-Verhalten in Thüringen. 21. Jahrestagung des Vereins Thüringer Ornithologen, Mühlberg

Geidel, C. (2011): Wissenschaftliche Forschung zur Unterstützung von AHPs –Untersuchungen am Uhu in Bayern. LBV-KG, Eichstätt

Geidel, C. (2011): What affects the breeding success of European Eagle owls in the river valleys of Altmühl and Danube? Velebit National Park/Kroatia

Geidel, C. (2011): Diet consumption of European Eagle owls in agricultural cultivated low mountain range river valleys of Altmühl and Danube in Bavaria/Germany. Zemplén/Hungary

Geidel, C. (2011): Bavarian Research Program – Breeding success of Bavarian Eagle owls. Fertö-Hanság Nationalpark/Hungary

Geidel, C. (2011): Telemetrie als Grundlage zur Erarbeitung von Schutzmaßnahmen für den Uhu. Jahrestagung der AG Eulen, Marsberg

Geidel, C. (2011): Wissenschaftliche Forschung zur Unterstützung von AHPs. Untersuchungen am Uhu im Altmühl- und Donautal. LBV-KG Haßberge, Augsfeld

Geidel, C. (2011): Die Bedeutung urbaner Strukturen für den Beuteerwerb des Uhus. Jahrestagung der AG Greifvögel der NWO, Schwerte

Peter, H.-U. (2011): 30 years skua research on King George Island/Antarctic. Wroclaw/Poland

Braun, C., Nordt, A., Peter, H.-U. (2010): Environmental Situation and Management Proposals for the Fildes Region (Antarctic). IPY Conference, Oslo/Norway

Peter, H.-U., Hahn, S., Kopp, M., Lisovski, S., Ritz, M., Phillips, R. (2010): New insights into the spatial and temporal migration patterns of South polar skuas from the Antarctic to the Arctic using the GLS-technique. IPY Conference, Oslo/Norway

Peter, H.-U., Hahn, S., Kopp, M., Lisovski, S., Ritz, M., Phillips, R. (2010): High variability in individual South polar skuas migration. IV SCAR Open Science Conference, Buenos Aires/Argentina

Peter, H.-U., Hahn, S., Kopp, M., Lisovski, S., Phillips, R. (2010): Spatial and temporal distribution of south polar skuas in the wintering areas of the North Pacific and North Atlantic Ocean. 25. International Ornithological Congress, Campos do Jordao/Brasil

Kopp, M., Peter, H.-U., Hahn, S. (2010): Different foraging niches in skuas of the maritime Antarctic. 25. International Ornithological Congress, Campos do Jordao/Brasil

Lisovski, S., Ritz, M.S., Fröhlich, A., Peter, H.-U. (2010): Der Skua-Hybrid: Ein Rätsel des südlichen Ozeans? 143. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Helgoland

Kopp, M., Hahn, S., Peter, H.-U. (2010): Nischendifferenzierung bei Skuas (Catharacta spec.) im Gebiet der maritimen Antarktis. 143. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Helgoland

Peter, H.-U., Braun, C., Gebauer, A., Hahn, S., Köppen, U., Kaiser, M., Kopp, M., Lisovski, S., Nordt, A., Quillfeldt, P., Ritz, M., Schmoll, T. (2010): 30 Jahre Beringung auf King George Island/Antarktis. 143. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Helgoland

Rothgänger, A. (2010): Trennen sich die Brutpartner des Sperlingskauzs im Herbst? –Hinweise aus einer Telemetriestudie an Glaucidium passerinum. 7. Internationales Symposium Populationsökologie von Greifvögel- und Eulenarten, Halberstadt

Peter, H.-U., Hahn, S., Kopp, M., Lisovski, S., Phillips, R. (2010): Migration, Phylogeographie und Nahrungsökologie antarktischer Skuas (Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi & C. maccormicki). Berichtskolloquium zum DFG-Schwerpunktprogramm 1158: Antarktisforschung mit vergleichenden Untersuchungen in arktischen Eisgebieten, Obergurgl/ Austria

Geidel, C. (2010): Untersuchung des anthropogenen Einflusses auf den Bruterfolg des Uhus. Steuergruppensitzung zum Artenhilfsprogramm „Uhu“ in Bayern (2 Veranstaltungen), Hilpoltstein

Geidel, C. (2010): Der Uhu am Arzberg. Infoveranstaltung des Bund Naturschutz KG Eichstätt, Beilngries

Geidel, C. (2010): Zur Situation des Uhus in Bayern. Jahrestreffen der Arbeitsgruppe „Uhu-Schutz“ in NRW, Wuppertal

Geidel, C. (2010): Raum-Zeit-Untersuchungen zur Nahrungsnutzung des Uhus (Bubo bubo) im Südlichen Frankenjura. Oehoewerkgroup Nederland, Liefelde/Netherlands

Geidel, C. (2010): Wissenschaftliche Forschung zur Unterstützung von AHPs – Untersuchungen am Uhu in Bayern. Naturschutzseminar im Rahmen der Delegiertenversammlung des LBV, Amberg

Geidel, C. (2010): Wissenschaftliche Forschung zur Unterstützung von AHPs – Untersuchungen am Uhu in Bayern. Jahresversammlung der LBV-KG NEA, Kaubenheim

Geidel, C. (2009): Entwicklung neuartiger Schutzkonzepte für den Uhu (Bubo bubo). Regionalversammlung Felsbrüterschutz, Regenstauf

Geidel, C. (2009): Entwicklung neuartiger Schutzkonzepte für den Uhu (Bubo bubo) - Erste Ergebnisse. Pflichthegeschau Landkreis Eichstätt, Beilngries

Lanz, U., Geidel, C. (2009): HP Felsbrüter – Der Uhu im Jahr 2008. Steuergruppe Felsbrüterschutz in Bayern, Hilpoltstein

Braun, C. (2009): Current Environmental Situation and Management Proposals for the Fildes Region (Antarctic). Meeting of the International Working Group about Possibilities for Environmental Management of Fildes Peninsula Region, Punta Arenas/Chile

Kopp, M. (2009): Spatial and temporal feeding pattern of two Skua species at King George Island. X. SCAR Biology International Symposium, Sapporo/Japan

Kopp, M., Hahn, S., Ritz, M., Lisovski, S., Peter, H.-U. (2009): Spatial and temporal feeding pattern of two southern skua species. 7. Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union, Zürich/Switzerland

Nordt, A. (2009): The transgenerational transfer of plastic particles in a small seabird. 7. Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union, Zürich/Switzerland

Peter, H.-U., Braun, C., Nordt, A. (2009): Aktuelle Umweltsituation und Vorschläge zum Management der Fildes Peninsula Region. Umweltbundesamt Dessau-Rosslau

Peter, H.-U. (2009): Klima und Leben auf dem antarktischen Festland. Festveranstaltung zum 50-jährigen Bestehen der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Polarforschung, Potsdam

Rothgänger, A., Wiesner, J. (2009): Heimlicher Waldbewohner – Eine telemetrische Untersuchung des Sperlingskauzes Glaucidium passerinum in Thüringen. 25. Jahrestagung der AG zum Schutz bedrohter Eulen, Sebnitz

Kopp, M., Hahn, S., Peter, H.-U., Ritz, M. (2008): Wo suchen Südpolar-Skuas (Catharacta maccormicki) und Braune Skuas (Catharacta lonnbergi) ihre Nahrung? 141. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Bremen

Peter, H.-U., Hahn, S., Kopp, M., Meyburg, B.-U., Phillips, R., Ritz, M. (2008): Wo überwintern Braune und Südpolarskuas? 141. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Bremen

Kopp, M., Hahn, S., Peter, H.-U., Ritz, M. (2008): Offshore and terrestrial feeding areas of two skua species in the Antarctic. III SCAR/IASC Open Science Conference, St. Petersburg/Russia

Nordt, A., Peter, H.-U. (2008): Nestling begging strategies in Wilson’s storm petrels Oceanites oceanicus: Insights from a supplementary feeding experiment. 4. International Albatross and Petrel Conference, Cape Town/South Africa

Peter, H.-U., Hahn, S., Kopp, M., Meyburg, B.-U., Phillips, R., Ritz, M. (2008): Migration and foraging of Antarctic skuas – the use of modern logger and transmitter technologies. International Antarctic Conference, Kiev/Ukraine

Braunschweig, A., Peter, H.-U. (2008): International Student Expedition to King George Island, Antarctic. 23. Internationale Polartagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Polarforschung, Münster

Peter, H.-U., Hahn, S., Kopp, M., Phillips, R., Ritz, M. (2008): Raubmöwen- Wanderer zwischen den Polen. 23. Internationale Polartagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Polarforschung, Münster

Peter, H.-U., Hahn, S., Kopp, M., Phillips R., Ritz, M. (2008): Migration stategies of South Polar and Brown Skuas. 101. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, Jena

Ritz, M.S., Millar, C., Miller, G.D., Phillips, R.A., Ryan, P., Sternkopf, V., Liebers-Helbig, D., Peter, H.-U. (2008): Phylogeography of the southern skua complex – rapid colonisation of the southern hemisphere during a glacial period and reticulate evolution. 101. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, Jena

Unger, C., Klaus S. (2008): Der Einfluss der Jahreszeit und der Habitatqualität auf das Fluchtverhalten von Auerhühnern in Thüringen. Mitteleuropäisches Rauhfußhühner- Expertentreffen, Villach/Österreich

Braun, C., Peter, H.-U. (2007): Die Buntfußsturmschwalbe Oceanites oceanicus als Modellorganismus für ´life history´-Studien. Koordinationsworkshop der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft SPP 1158, Bremerhaven

Klaus, S., Unger, C. (2007): A translocation study using Capercaillie from central Russia. Expertentagung zur Rettung des Kantabrischen Auerhuhns Tetrao urogallus cantabricus. Oviedo/Spanien

Nordt, A., Peter, H.-U. (2007): Lying without blushing? – An experimental study on the begging behaviour of Wilson’s Storm Petrel chicks. Hengsberger, R., H. Hofmann, R. Wagner and H. Winkler (eds.): 6. Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union, Vienna/ Austria

Peter, H.-U. (2007): Diversity of the Antarctic bird fauna. 2. Internationales Neumayer-Symposium, Bad Dürkheim

Peter, H.-U. (2007): Vogelwelt und Vogelberingung in der Antarktis. Pro Ring Seminar, Osterode

Peter, H.-U., Büßer, C, Mustafa, O., Pfeiffer, S. (2007): Evaluierung des Gefährdungsgrades der Gebiete Fildes Peninsula und Ardley Island und Entwicklung der Managementpläne zur Ausweisung als besonders geschützte oder verwaltete Gebiete. Abschlußpräsentation am Umweltbundeamt, Dessau-Rosslau

Unger, C., Klaus, S. (2007): Verbreitung, Bestandsverhältnisse, Jagd und Schutz der Raufußhühner in Europa. Sächsisch-Thüringische Ornithologentagung, Altenburg

Büßer, C., Fröhlich, A., Mustafa, O., Pfeiffer, S., Ritz, M., Peter, H.-U. (2006): Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica – Survey and managements proposals for an area with multiple use. 3. International Scientific Conference "Scientific investigations in Antarctica", Kiev/Ukraine

Pfeiffer, S., Boehm, E., Buesser, C., Mustafa, O., Peter, H.-U. (2006): Vegetation studies. Workshop "Possibilities for Environmental Management of Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island", Bellingshausen Station, King George Island/Antarctica

Peter, H.-U., Buesser, C., Froehlich, A., Hahn, S., Mustafa, O., Pfeiffer, S., Ritz, M. (2006): Fauna of the Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island. Workshop "Possibilities for Environmental Management of Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island", Bellingshausen Station, King George Island/Antarctica

Mustafa, O., Buesser, C., Grunewald, U., Peter, H.-U., Pfeiffer, S. (2006): Valuable physical evidence from the Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island. Workshop "Possibilities for Environmental Management of Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island", Bellingshausen Station, King George Island/Antarctica

Mustafa, O., Buesser, C., Peter, H.-U., Pfeiffer, S. (2006): Mapping of traffic activities on Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island – methods and results. Workshop "Possibilities for Environmental Management of Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island", Bellingshausen Station, King George Island/Antarctica

Buesser, C., Grunewald, U., Kahl, T., Mustafa, O., Pfeiffer, S., Peter, H.-U. (2006): Environmental data and human activities on the Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island. Workshop "Possibilities for Environmental Management of Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island", Bellingshausen Station, King George Island/Antarctica

Pfeiffer, S. (2006): Environmental risk assessment and questionnaire. Workshop "Possibilities for Environmental Management of Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island", Bellingshausen Station, King George Island/Antarctica

Peter, H.-U., Buesser, C., Mustafa,O., Pfeiffer, S. (2006): Risk assessment for Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island and possible elements of a draft management plan for designation as Antarctic Specially Protected or Managed Areas – an introduction. Workshop "Possibilities for Environmental Management of Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island", Bellingshausen Station, King George Island/Antarctica

Pfeiffer, S., Buesser, C., Mustafa, O., Peter, H.-U. (2006): Modules for designing Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island as an Antarctic specially managed area (ASMA), discussion of possible alternatives. Workshop "Possibilities for Environmental Management of Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island", Bellingshausen Station, King George Island/Antarctica

Chakarov, N. (2006): Leucocytozoon in trimorphic buzzard chicks. Avian Malaria Workshop, Stensoffa, Lund/Schweden

Peter, H.-U. (2006): Environmental impact assessment on Fildes Peninsula. Workshop China-Germany Partnership in Polar Science, Guilin/China

Peter, H.-U. (2006): Neues aus der Antarktis: 25 Jahre Hiddensee-Beringung auf King George Island. Gesamtdeutsche Beringertagung, Bad Blankenburg

Peter, H.-U., Buesser, C., Froehlich, A., Mustafa O., Pfeiffer S., Ritz M. (2006): Antarctic seabirds and seals and management of human activities at the Fildes Peninsula, King George Island. II SCAR Open Science Conference, Hobart/Australia

Peter, H.-U., Buesser, C., Froehlich A., Mustafa, O., Pfeiffer, S., Ritz, M. (2006): Biological data, risk assessment and the development of management ideas for Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island. 3. International Symposium on Polar Sciences, KOPRI, Incheon/Korea

Ritz, M., Miller, G., Phillips, R., Ryan, P., Peter, H.-U. (2006): Phylogeography of southern skuas (Catharacta spp.). International Symposium on Hybridisation, Frankfurt a.M.

Rothgänger, A. (2006): Dem Sperlingskauz ins Wohnzimmer geschaut - Radiotelemetrische Untersuchungen an Glaucidium passerinum. Jahrestagung der Hessischen Gesellschaft für Ornithologie und Naturschutz, Romrod

Rothgänger, A. (2006): Raum-Zeit-Verhalten adulter Sperlingskäuze (Glaucidium passerinum) anhand von Radiotelemetrieanalysen. Deutsch-französisches Symposium "Sperlingskauz und Wald", Fischbach bei Dahn

Gladbach, A., Büßer, C., Peter, H.-U., Quillfeldt, P. (2005): Sind Buntfußsturmschwalben (Oceanites oceanicus) ehrliche Bettler? 138. Tagung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Stuttgart

Janicke, T.: Functions of the long call complex in Brown Skuas (2005): 43. Annual Meeting of the Saxon Ornithologists’ Association, Hoyerswerda

Mustafa, O., Büßer, C., Pfeiffer, S., Peter, H.-U. (2005): Mapping of traffic activities on Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island – methods and results. 22. International Polar Meeting, Jena

Peter, H.-U., Büßer, C., Mustafa, O., Pfeiffer, S. (2005): Biological data from Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island. 22. International Polar Meeting, Jena

Peter, H.-U., Büßer, C., Mustafa, O., Pfeiffer, S. (2005): Risk assessment for Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island and the development of management plans for designation as Antarctic Specially Protected or Managed Areas. 22. International Polar Meeting, Jena

Pfeiffer, S., Büßer, C., Mustafa, O., Peter, H.-U. (2005): Management plan drafts for the southwestern part of King George Island. 22. International Polar Meeting, Jena

Pfeiffer, S., Büßer, C., Mustafa, O., Peter, H.-U. (2005): Risk assessment and possible elements of draft management plan for the southwestern part of King George Island (2005). 22. International Polar Meeting, Jena

Büßer, C., Grunewald, U., Kahl, T., Mustafa, O. & Pfeiffer, S. and Peter, H.-U. (2005): Environmental data and human activities on Fildes Peninsula and Ardley. 22. International Polar Meeting, Jena

Büßer, C., Quillfeldt, P., Hahn, S., Schmoll, T., Gladbach, A., Nordt, A., Peter, H.-U., (2005): Long-Term research on Wilson´s and Black-bellied storm-petrels on King George Island, South Shetland Islands. 22. International Polar Meeting, Jena

Ritz, M., Hahn, S., Janicke, T., Peter, H.-U. (2005): Hybridisation between South Polar Skuas (Catharacta maccormicki) and Brown Skua (C. antarctica lonnbergi) in the Antacrtic Peninsular region. 22. International Polar Meeting, Jena

Büßer, C., Pfeiffer, S., Mustafa, O., Peter, H.-U. (2005): Results of the Survey Work on Penguin and King George Island. 16. General IAATO Meeting, Hamburg

Janicke, T., Chakarov, N. (2004): Temporal patterns of roosting behaviour of Common Ravens Corvus corax. 137. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Kiel

Peter, H.-U., Büßer, C., Fröhlich, A., Mustafa, O., Pfeiffer, S., Ritz, M., Valencia, J., Wang, Z. (2004): Antarktische Seevögel und Managementpläne für Fildes Peninsula und Ardley Island (King George Island, South Shetland Islands). 137. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Kiel

Hahn, S., Peter, H.-U., Bauer, S. (2004): Skuas am Pinguin-Aas: Profitabilität und die Entscheidung zur Aufgabe eines Nahrungspatches. 137. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Kiel

Rothgänger, A., Wiesner, J. (2004): Hausbesichtigung beim Sperlingskauz - Eine Analyse des Territorialsystems vom Sperlingskauz Glaucidium passerinum mit Hilfe der Radiotelemetrie. 137. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Kiel

Peter, H.-U. (2004): Risk assessment for the Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island and the development of management plans for designations of Antarctic Specially Protected or Managed Areas. Meeting of the SCAR-Standing Scientific Group on Life Science, Group of Experts on Birds, Texel/Netherlands

Peter, H.-U. (2004): Auf Darwins Spuren nach Galapagos: Jahrestagung des VTO, Steinach

Rothgänger, A. (2004): Die Bedeutung der interspezifischen Aggression zwischen Nonnen- und Ringelgänsen im Überwinterungsgebiet. Tagung der Projektgruppe Gänseökologie, Köthen

Unger,C. (2004): Translokation russischer Auerhühner nach Thüringen – Stand des Projektes, Jahrestagung der Expertengruppe Rauhfußhühner, Salurn/Süd-Tirol

Büßer, C., Quillfeldt, P., Lubjuhn, T. (2003): Elterliches Investment der Buntfußsturmschwalbe während der Brutzeit. 136. Tagung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Halberstadt

Pfeiffer, S., Möstl, E., Kuchar-Schulz, A., Peter, H.-U. (2003): Nachweis von Störungen an zwei Seevogelarten in der Antarktis durch Hormonanalyse der Kotproben. 136. Tagung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Halberstadt

Quellmalz, A., Schmoll, T., Dietrich, V., Winkel, W., Epplen, J. T., Lubjuhn, T. (2003): Genetische Ähnlichkeit und Fremdvaterschaften bei Tannenmeisen (Parus ater). 136. Tagung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Halberstadt

Ritz, M. (2003): Gewichtsverlust der Altvögel während der Jungenaufzucht bei Südpolarskuas (Catharacta macckormicki) – Adaptiv oder Stress-induziert? 136. Tagung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Halberstadt

Peter, H.-U., Büßer, C. , Chupin, I., Janicke, T., Kahles, A., Pfeiffer, S., Prieto, I., Ritz, M., Wang, Z., Welcker, J. (2003): Mortalität von Skua- und Sturmschwalben-Küken in der Antarktis. 21. Internationale Polartagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Polarforschung, Kiel

Unger, C. (2003): Umsiedlung russischer Auerhühner Tetrao urogallus major nach Thüringen. Stand des Projektes und Aspekte zur Raum- und Habitatnutzung. 13. Jahrestagung des Vereins Thüringer Ornithologen, Kammerforst/NP Hainich

Büßer, C., Peter, H.-U. (2002): Diet studies of Brown skua C. a. lonnbergi near stations on Fildes Peninsula. SCAR Bird Biology Subcommittee Workshop ”Research methods for diet composition in Antarctic seabirds”, Jena

Büßer, C. (2002): Monitoring Wilson’s Storm Petrel burrows with an infra-red camera. SCAR Bird Biology Subcommittee Workshop ”Research methods for diet composition in Antarctic seabirds“, Jena

Unger, C. (2002): Vorstellung des Thüringer Auerhuhnprojekts und erste Ergebnisse des Habitatvergleichs zwischen dem russischen Herkunftsgebiet und dem Auswilderungsgebiet im Thür. Schiefergebirge. Expertentagung Rauhfußhühner im Nationalpark Bayrischer Wald

Hahn, S. (2002): Die Raubmöwen der Antarktis. Staatliche Naturhistorische Sammlungen Dresden

Peter, H.-U., Büßer, C., Hahn, S., Pfeiffer, S., Prieto, I., Quillfeldt P., Ritz, M. (2002): Unerwartet hohe Mortalität von Skua- und Sturmschwalben-Küken in der Antarktis. 135. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Münster

Peter, H.-U. (2002): Anthropogenic influences on Antarctic seabirds. Second Oceanographic Institute, Hangzhou/China

Peter, H.-U. (2002): Highways and ecology of Jackdaws (Corvus monedula). Forest University, Hangzhou Province/China

Peter, H.-U. (2002): Brown Skuas and Antarctic stations. Polar Institute Shanghai/China

Peter, H.-U. (2002): Ökologische und genetische Untersuchungen an Seevögeln auf King George Island, Antarktis. Institut für Genetik, Gatersleben

Peter, H.-U. (2001): Manche mögen es kalt – Ein Öko-Knigge für die Antarktis? Studium Generale, Jena

Peter, H.-U. (2001): Ökologische Untersuchungen und Artenschutzmaßnahmen für die Dohle. NABU-Tagung Sachsen

Peter, H.-U., Bräutigam, K., Braun, S., Büßer, C., Gerighausen, U., Gutsell, J., Kahl, T., Mustafa, O., Pfeiffer, S., Pomelov, V., Wang, Z. (2001): Nachweis anthropogener Einflüsse auf King George Island, Antarktis, 20. Internationale Polartagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Polarforschung, Dresden

Peter, H.-U., Halle, S., de Korte, J., Pfeiffer, S., Ritz, M., Welcker, J. (2001): Scoresbysund-Expedition 1999 (Nordost-Grönland). Plenar-Vortrag zur 20. Internationale Polartagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Polarforschung, Dresden

Pfeiffer, S., Peter, H.-U., Schuster, K. Stonehouse, B. (2001): Reaktionen des Südlichen Riesensturmvogels (Macronectes giganteus) auf anthropogene Störreize. 20. Internationale Polartagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Polarforschung, Dresden

Pfeiffer, S., Peter, H.-U. (2001): Ökologie antarktischer Vögel - Anpassung an extreme Bedingungen. Tagung des VDBiol, Jena


Braun, C., Grämer, H., Peter, H.-U. (2022): Interaction of seabirds with anthropogenic material in the Maritime Antarctic, Presented at: 10th SCAR Open Science Conference 2022

Braun, C., Peter, H.-U. (2021): Drastic population decline of the cape petrel (Daption capense) on King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarctica. Presented at: UK Antarctic Science Conference 2021

Braun, C., Peter, H.-U. (2021): Population dynamics of southern giant petrels in response to human activities in the Maritime Antarctic. Presented at: UK Antarctic Science Conference 2021

Braun, C., Hertel, F., Ritter, R., Peter, H.-U. (2020): Long-term monitoring reveals divergent population trends for six seabird species in the Maritime Antarctic. Presented at: 9th SCAR Open Science Conference 2020

Braun, C., Ritter, R., Peter, H.-U. (2020): Substantial increase of ship and air traffic on Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, the main logistic hub for the Antarctic Peninsula. Presented at: 9th SCAR Open Science Conference2020

Prater, I., Hrbacek, F., Meier, L. A., Braun, C., Nyvlt, D., Mueller, C.W. (2020): How vegetation drives initial soil development together with soil organic matter accrual in maritime Antarctica. General Assembly of the European Geosciences Union – EGU, Vienna/Austria

Braun, C., Peter, H.-U. (2018): Persistent anthropogenic pressure on Fildes Peninsula. Polar 2018 SCAR/IASC Open Science Conference, Davos/Switzerland

Braun, C., Peter, H.-U. (2018): Local rapid expansion of the Antarctic hair grass in the Maritime Antarctic. Polar 2018 SCAR/IASC Open Science Conference, Davos/Switzerland

Prater, I., Hrbacek, F., Meier, L.A., Braun, C., Vyvlt, D., Mueller, C.W. (2018): Vegetation determines the fate of soil organic matter on Antarctic Islands. Polar 2018 SCAR/IASC Open Science Conference, Davos/Switzerland

Pfeifer, C., Peter, H.-U., Rümmler, M.-C., Mustafa, O. (2018): Mapping Penguins and Blue-eyed Shags at Remote Islets by Fixed Wing UAV. Polar 2018 SCAR/IASC Open Science Conference, Davos/Switzerland

Maercker, J., Haucke, M., Knetsch, S., Peter, H.-U., Pfeifer, C., Mustafa, O.: Mapping of Antarctic Wildlife by Drones (2018): Polar 2018 SCAR/IASC Open Science Conference, Davos/Switzerland

Braun, C., Esefeld, J., Peter, H.-U. (2018): Decadal changes in a breeding population of southern giant petrels on King George Island, Antarctic, in response to human activities. 27th International Polar Conference, Rostock

Senf, M., Mustafa, O., Pfeifer, C., Grämer, H., Peter, H.-U. (2018): Variability in breeding phenology of Adélie and gentoo penguins between 2014 and 2018. 27th International Polar Conference, Rostock

Rümmler, M.C., Esefeld, J., Mustafa, O., Peter, H.-U. (2018): Impact of fly-overs with different UAV models on various Antarctic species. 27th International Polar Conference, Rostock

Pfeifer, C., Peter, H.-U., Rümmler, M.-C. Mustafa, O. (2018): Spatial distribution and numbers of breeding chinstrap penguins at remote islets of King George and Nelson Island by fixed wing UAV. 27th International Polar Conference, Rostock

Prowaznik, D., Braun, C., Peter, H.-U. (2017): Natural and anthropogenic content in Skua food remains: An investigation of pellets and excrements from C. maccormicki and C. lonnbergi on Fildes Peninsula, King George Island. SCAR Biology Symposium 2017, Leuwen, Belgien

Senf, M., Braun, C., Esefeld, J., Grämer, H., Maercker, J., Peter, H.-U., Pfeifer, C., Prowaznik, D., Rümmler, M.-C., Mustafa, O. (2017): The shifting of temporal patterns in the breeding phenology of Adélie and Gentoo penguins. SCAR Biology Symposium 2017, Leuwen, Belgien

Mustafa, O, Esefeld, J., Peter, H.-U., Pfeifer, C. (2017): Does timing matter? Detecting breeding pair numbers of penguins by UAV at different dates of a breeding season. SCAR Biology Symposium 2017, Leuwen, Belgien

Pfeifer, C., Hertel, F., Knetsch, S., Peter, H.-U., Mustafa, O. (2017): A different view – the suitability of Sentinel-2 imagery for detecting penguin colonies. SCAR Biology 2017, Leuwen, Belgien

Grämer, H., Pfeifer, C., Esefeld, J., Peter, H.-U., Mustafa, O. (2017): Fifty shades of poo – Determination of penguin species in satellite imagery using guano colour. SCAR Biology Symposium 2017, Leuwen, Belgien

Rümmler, M.-C., Esefeld, J., Mustafa, O., Peter, H.-U. (2017): On the impact of different UAV models on Antarctic wildlife. SCAR Biology Symposium 2017, Leuwen, Belgien

Braun, C., Esefeld, J., Peter, H.-U. (2017): Population trends in terrestrial Antarctic wildlife. Jena Biodiversity Symposium 2017

Braun, C., Esefeld, J., Peter, H.-U. (2016): Everything as usual at Fildes Peninsula? Ongoing environmental shortcomings in environmental management. SCAR 2016 Open Science Conference, Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia

Mustafa, O., Jung, J.-W., Maercker, J., Peter, H.-U., Pfeifer, C., Esefeld, J. (2016): Mapping penguins by Drone – How to count breeding pair numbers from orthophotomosaics. SCAR 2016 Open Science Conference, Kuala Lumpur/Malaysia

Mustafa, O., Esefeld, J., Maercker, J., Peter, H.-U., Pfeifer, C. (2015): The use of UAV-based multisensor mapping in Antarctic science. Internationale Polartagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Polarforschung, München

Rümmler, M.-C., Mustafa, O., Esefeld, J., Maercker, J., Senf, M., Hertel, F., Peter, H.-U. (2015): The impact of unmanned aerial vehicles on the behavior of penguins, giant petrels and seals. 26. Internationale Polartagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Polarforschung, München

Pfeifer, C. Esefeld, J., Maercker, J., Peter, H.-U., Rümmler, M.-C., Senf, M., Mustafa, O. (2015): Observing the intraseasonal dynamic of a Pygoscelis penguin colony – comparison of a multitemporal analysis of very high resolution satellite images with phenological data. 26. Internationale Polartagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Polarforschung, München

Stelter, M., Braun, C., Peter, H.-U. (2015): Umwelteinflüsse auf die Brutpaarzahlen antarktischer Seevögel im Gebiet der Fildes Halbinsel, Südshetland-Inseln, Antarktis. 148. DO-G Jahresversammlung, Konstanz

Peter, H.-U., Mustafa, O., Esefeld, J., Krietsch, J., Maercker, J., Pfeifer, C., Rümmler, M.-C., Senf, M. (2015): Drones for estimating abundance of Antarctic penguins and Giant Petrels. 10th Conference on the European Ornithologist´s Union, Badajoz/Spanien

Stelter, M., Braun, C., Esefeld, J., Gütter, T., Krietsch, J., Peter, H.-U. (2015): Environmental dependency of Antarctic breeding birds in the vicinity of King George Island, South Shetland Islands. 10th Conference on the European Ornithologist´s Union, Badajoz/Spanien

Krietsch, J., Kopp, M., Lisovski, S., Esefeld, J., Stelter, M., Peter, H.-U. (2014): Movement patterns of Brown Skuas during the non-breeding period: internal vs. environmental drivers. The 5th International Bio-Logging Science Symposium, Straßbourg/France

Krietsch, J., Kopp, M., Lisovski, S., Esefeld, J., Stelter, M., Peter, H.-U. (2014): Movement patterns of Brown Skuas during the non-breeding period: internal vs. environmental drivers. 16. Treffen der Fachgruppen Gänseökologie und Polargebiete der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Xanten

Herrmann, T.M., Krietsch, J., Esefeld, J., Stelter, M., Mustafa, O., Braun, C., Peter, H.-U., Kim, H. J. (2013): Climate Change Impacts on Spatial Distribution and Breeding Success of a Three-Pygoscelid Penguin Rockery on Ardley Island, Antarctica. Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science Symposium, Montreal/Canada

Esefeld, J., Kopp, M. Lisovski, S., Peter, H.-U. (2013): Geschlechtsunterschiede in Morphologie und Verhalten als Indikator für die Evolution von reversem Sexualdimorphismus bei Skuas. 146. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Regensburg

Pfeifer, C., Hertel, F., Kopp, M., Metzig, R., Mustafa, O., Peter H.-U. Weimerskirch, H. (2013): Satellitenbasierte Detektion von Kaiserpinguinkolonien in der Antarktis. 146. Jahrestagung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Regensburg

Peter, H.-U. (2013): Forty years of monitoring of European Jackdaws Corvus monedula at the Saale Valley Bridge in Jena (Thuringia). 9. Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union, Norwich/UK

Herrmann, T.M., Krietsch, J., Esefeld, J., Stelter, M., Mustafa, O., Braun, C., Peter, H.-U., Kim, H. J.. (2013): Climate Change Impacts on Spatial Distribution and Breeding Success of a Three-Pygoscelid Penguin Rockery on Ardley Island, Antarctica. Quebec Centre for Biodiversity Science Symposium, Montreal/Canada

Braun, C., Esefeld, J., Guetter, T., Janowski, S., Krietsch, J., Nordt, A., Stelter, M., Peter, H.‑U. (2013): Monitoring of Human Impacts in the South-west of King George Island (Antarctic). XI SCAR Biology Symposium, Barcelona/Spain

Esefeld, J., Kopp, M., Lisovski, S., Peter, H.-U. (2013): Intersexual differences in two reverse dimorphic Antarctic seabird species. XI SCAR Biology Symposium, Barcelona/Spain

Herrmann, T.M., Krietsch, J., Esefeld, J., Stelter, M., Mustafa, O., Braun, C., Peter, H.-U. (2013): Effects of Changing Local Climate Conditions on Spatial Distribution, Habitat Use and Breeding Success of Three Sympatric Pygoscelis Penguin Species on Ardley Island, Antarctica. XI SCAR Biology Symposium, Barcelona/Spain

Pfeifer, C., Hertel, F., Kopp, M., Metzig, R., Mustafa, O., Peter H.-U. Weimerskirch, H. (2013): Satellite based monitoring of emperor penguin colonies in the Antarctic. XI SCAR Biology Symposium, Barcelona/Spain

Stelter, M., Guetter, T., Esefeld, J., Krietsch, J. Peter, H.-U. (2013): Genetic monogamy of Skuas in an interbreeding population on King George Island. XI SCAR Biology Symposium, Barcelona/Spain

Mustafa, O., Braun, C., Esefeld, J., Flores, M., Guetter, T., Janowski, S., Kim, J.-H., Kopp, M., Lisovski, S., Nordt, A., Nordt, A., Peter, H.-U., Pfeiffer, S., Roselló, M.J. (2011): Monitoring of changes in the spatial distribution of a 3-species penguin rookery at Ardley Island (South Shetland Islands). Symposium "20 years GARS O'Higgins" / Workshop "Chile-EU research opportunities under FP7", Punta Arenas/Chile

Esefeld, J., Kopp, M., Peter, H.-U. (2011): What hypotheses explain reversed sexual dimorphism in skuas best? 8. Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union, Riga/Latvia

Peter, H.-U., Kopp, M., Esefeld, J., Phillips, R.A., Hahn, S. (2011): South polar skuas from a single breeding population overwinter in different oceans. Seabird conference Plymouth/USA

Lisovski, S., Möstl, E., Peter, H.-U. (2010): The impact of testosterone in a highly aggressive bird: The Brown skua. 25. International Ornithological Congress, Campos do Jordao/Brasil

Lisovski, S., Möstl E., Peter, H.-U. (2010): Veränderungen der Testosteronkonzentration im Blut und der territorialen Aggression über die Brutsaison bei Braunen Skuas. 143. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Helgoland

Nordt, A., Braun, C., Peter, H.-U. (2010): Sensible Riesen – Riesensturmvögel als Indikator menschlicher Störung. 143. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Helgoland

Geidel, C. (2010): Raum-Zeit-Untersuchungen zur Nahrungsnutzung des Uhus (Bubo bubo) im Südlichen Frankenjura. 7. Internationales Symposium zum Monitoring von Greifvögeln und Eulen, Halberstadt

Peter, H.-U., Hahn, S., Kopp, M., Lisovski, S., Phillips, R., Ritz, M. (2009): Long distance migration of Southern skuas. X SCAR Biology International Symposium, Sapporo/Japan

Lisovski, S., Ritz, M., Peter, H.-U. (2009): Do intraspecific differences in arrival at the breeding ground promote hybridization? 7. Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union, Zürich/Switzerland

Peter, H.-U., Hahn, S., Kopp, M., Lisovski, S., Phillips, R., Ritz, M. (2009): Different overwintering areas of two southern Catharacta species. 7. Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union, Zürich/Switzerland

Kopp, M., Hahn, S., Ritz, M., Peter, H.-U. (2008): Foraging patterns and migration routes of South Polar and Brown Skuas – preliminary results. Koordinationsworkshop der Deutschen Forschungsgemeinschaft, Köln

Kopp, M., Hahn, S., Peter, H.-U., Ritz, M. (2008): Wo befinden sich die Nahrungsgebiete der Skuas in Gebiet der Süd-Shetland-Inseln? 101. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, Jena

Nordt, A., Peter, H.-U. (2008): Lying without blushing? – An experimental study on the begging behaviour in Wilson’s storm petrel nestlings. 101. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Zoologischen Gesellschaft, Jena

Peter, H.-U., Hahn, S., Kopp, M., Phillips, R., Ritz, M. (2008): (2008): Skuas – migrants between Antarctic and Arctic. III SCAR/IASC Open Science Conference, St. Petersburg/Russia

Peter, H.-U., Braun, C., Mustafa, O., Pfeiffer, S. (2008): Fildes Peninsula und Ardley Island (King George Island, South Shetland Islands) – ein schützenswertes Gebiet der Antarktis? 23. Internationale Polartagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Polarforschung, Münster

Cervencl, A., Oberdiek, N., Exo, K.-M., Thyen, S. (2007): Spatial variation in the incubation behaviour of Redshanks Tringa totanus: adaptation to predation pressure? International Wader Study Group Annual Conference, La Rochelle/France

Nordt, A., Peter, H.-U. (2007): Lügen ohne rot zu werden? – Eine experimentelle Studie zum Bettelverhalten der Buntfuß-Sturmschwalbe (Oceanites oceanicus). 140. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Gießen

Oberdiek, N., Cervencl, A., Exo, K.-M., Maier, M., Wellbrock, A. (2007): Reproduction of the Common Redshanks Tringa totanus in the Wadden Sea: small-scale variation in hatching success. International Wader Study Group Annual Conference, La Rochelle/France

Oberdiek, N., Cervencl, A., Exo, K.-M., Maier, M., Wellbrock, A. (2007): Reproduction of the Common Redshanks Tringa totanus in the Wadden Sea: small-scale variation in hatching success. Coastal Ecology Workshop, Schiermoonikoog/Netherlands

Cervencl, A., Oberdiek, N., Exo; K.-M., Thyen, S. (2007): Spatial variation in the incubation behaviour of Redshanks Tringa totanus: adaptation to predation pressure? Coastal Ecology Workshop, Schiermoonikoog/Niederlande

Chakarov, N., Krüger, O. (2006): Colour counts! Melanin of buzzards vs. parasites on nestlings. 11th International Behavioural Ecology Congress, Tours/France

Chakarov, N., Krüger, O. (2006): What determines chick-parasite interactions in buzzards? 11. International Behavioral Ecology Congress, Tours/France

Gorschewski, A., Sacher, T., Bairlein, F., Coppack, T. (2006): Wing-shape variation in migrant and resident European blackbirds (Turdus merula): a geometric morphometric approach. 24. International Ornithological Congress, Hamburg

Peter, H.-U., Buesser, C., Mustafa, O., Pfeiffer, S., Ritz, M. (2006): Assessment of seabird breeding parameters towards the management of the Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica. 24. International Ornithological Congress, Hamburg

Pfeiffer, S., Peter, H.-U. (2006): Effects of human activities on Southern Giant Petrels and skuas in the Antarctic. 24. International Ornithological Congress, Hamburg

Ritz, M.S., Phillips, R., Ryan, P., Peter, H.-U. (2006): Phylogeography of the great southern skuas (Catharacta spec.). 24. International Ornithological Congress, Hamburg

Schmidt, L., Loonen, M.J.J.E. (2006): Surviving tight schedules? Wing moult timing affects survival in Arcticbreeding Barnacle Geese. 24. International Ornithological Congress, Hamburg

Rothgänger, A. (2006): Raum-Zeit-Verhalten adulter Sperlingskäuze (Glaucidium passerinum) anhand von Radiotelemetrieanalysen. Deutsch-französisches Symposium "Sperlingskauz und Wald", Fischbach bei Dahn

Mustafa, O., Bassin, M., Chupin, I., Flores, M., Godoy, C., Peter, H.-U., Pfeiffer, S., M.J. Rosello and J. Valencia (2005): Changes in the special distribution of a 3-species penguin roockery at Ardley Island (South Shetland Islands). IX SCAR International Biology Symposium, Curitiba/Brazil

Ritz, M.S., Peter, H.-U. (2005): Identification of hybrids between two closely related skua taxa using AFLP. 5. Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union, Strassbourg/France

Janicke, T., Hahn, S., Ritz, M.S., Peter, H.-U. (2005): The long call of the Brown Skua Catharacta a. lonnbergi: a multimodal signal of body condition and fitness. 138. Tagung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Stuttgart

Peter, H.-U., Büßer, C., Fröhlich, A., Grunewald, U., Kahl, T., Mustafa, O., Pfeiffer, S., Ritz, M. (2005): Human impact and survey of indicator species on Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island (King George Island, South Shetland Islands), Workshop, Texas/USA

Gladbach, A., Büßer, C. Peter, H.-U., Quillfeld, P. (2005): Wilson’s storm-petrels (Oceanites oceanicus) as a model system for the study of parent-offspring interactions. 22. International Polar Meeting, Jena

Peter, H.-U., Büßer C., Mustafa, O., Pfeiffer, S. (2005): Risk assessment for Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island and the development of management plans for designation as Antarctic Specially Protected or Managed Areas. 22. International Polar Meeting, Jena

Pfeiffer, S., Böhm, E., Büßer, C., Chupin, I., Flores, M., Godoy, C., Mustafa, O., Peter, H.-U. (2005): Environmental risk assessment of ASPA 150 Ardley Island (King George Island, South Shetlands), 22. International Polar Meeting, Jena

Mustafa, O., Bertges, D., Bertges, M., Peter, H.-U. (2005): Environmental positioning in the Antarctic by using a Rangefinder-GPS-System for positioning of distant and fast moving objects. 22. International Polar Meeting, Jena

Kopp, M., Peter, H.-U., Ritz, M. (2005): South Polar Skua chick growth performance in relation to hatching date – timing of breeding or parental quality? 22. International Polar Meeting, Jena

Fröhlich, A., Peter, H.-U., Hahn, S. (2005): Feather deformations as a sign of nutritional deficiency in Brown Skuas (Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi)? 22. International Polar Meeting, Jena

Janicke, T., Hahn, S., Ritz, M.S., Peter, H.-U. (2005): Condition and fitness dependence of the long call complex in Brown Skuas Catharacta a. lonnbergi. 22. International Polar Meeting, Jena

Kahles, A., Büßer, C., Mundry, R., Quillfeldt, P. (2004): Begging calls of Wilson’s storm-petrel and parental investment. 3. IAPC in Montevideo/Uruguay

Hahn, S., Reinhardt, K., Janicke, T. Ritz, M. Peter, H.-U. (2004): Influence of local weather and sea ice conditions on reproduction of Antarctic skuas. I SCAR Open Science Meeting, Bremen

Kahles, A., Büßer, C., Peter, H.-U., Quillfeldt, P. (2004): Begging calls of Wilson’s storm petrel and feeding behaviour of adults. I SCAR Open Science Meeting, Bremen

Peter, H.-U., Büßer, C., Fröhlich, A., Grunewald, U., Kahl, T., Mustafa, O., Pfeiffer, S., Ritz, M. (2004): Human impact and survey of indicator species on Fildes Peninsula and Ardley Island (King George Island, South Shetland Islands), I SCAR Open Science Conference, Bremen

Pfeiffer, S., Peter, H.-U. (2004): Effect of visitors and air traffic on skuas and southern giant petrels in the south-western part of King George Island, South Shetland Islands. I SCAR Open Science Meeting, Bremen

Ritz, M., Hahn, S., Janicke, T., Reinhardt, K., Peter, H.-U. (2004): Hybridisation between South Polar Skua (Catharacta maccormicki) and Brown Skua (Catharacta antarctica lonnbergi) in the Antarctic Peninsula. I SCAR Open Science Meeting, Bremen

Pfeiffer, S., Peter, H.-U. (2004): Von Verhaltensstudien an Seevögeln zu Managementvorschlägen – Fallstudie auf der Fildes Halbinsel, King George Island, Antarktis. 137. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Kiel

Ritz, M., Peter, H.-U. (2004): Nestverteidigung bei der Südpolarskua (Catharacta maccormicki). 137. Tagung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Kiel

Kahles, A., Büßer, C., Peter, H-U., Quillfeldt, P. (2004): Bettelverhalten von Buntfußsturmschwalben und elterliches Investment. 137. Tagung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Kiel

Unger, C. (2004): Translokation russischer Wildfang - Auerhühner nach Thüringen – erste Ergebnisse der Telemetriestudie, Jahrestagung des VTO, Steinach

Büßer, C., Quillfeldt, P., Lubjuhn, T. (2003): Parental investment in Wilson’s storm petrel. 4. Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union, Chemnitz

Janicke, T., Hahn, S., Reinhardt, K., Ritz, M. and Peter, H.-U. (2003): Long term study in antarctic skuas on Potter Peninsula, King George Island, Antarctica. 4. Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union, Chemnitz

Hahn, S., Peter, H.-U. (2003): Penguins as food patches for Brown Skuas. 4. Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union, Chemnitz

Peter, H.-U., Büßer, C., Chupin, I., Janicke, T., Kahles, A., Pfeiffer, S., Ritz, M., Wang, Z., Welcker, J. (2003): Mortality of Skua and Wilsons Storm Petrel chicks in the Antarctic. 4. Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union, Chemnitz

Pfeiffer, S., Möstl, E., Muchar-Schulz, A., Peter, H.-U. (2003): Effects of disturbance on two Antarctic seabird species – analysis of faecal hormones. 4. Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union, Chemnitz

Ritz, M. (2003): Allocation of parental investment in the South Polar Skua (Catharacta maccormicki). 4. Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union, Chemnitz

Rothgänger, A., Borbach-Jaene, J. (2003): Mobbing on the salt-marsh - interspecific aggression between Barnacle Goose, Branta leucopsis, and Brent Goose, Branta bernicla bernicla. 4. Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union, Chemnitz

Janicke, T., Hahn, S., Reinhardt, K., Ritz, M., Peter H.-U. (2003): 10 Jahre Skuaforschung auf Potter Peninsula, King George Island, Antarktis – Ein Überblick. 136. Tagung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Halberstadt

Rothgänger, A., Wiesner, J. (2003): Erste Ergebnisse eines Telemetrieprojektes zum Raum-Zeit-Verhalten adulter Sperlingskäuze (Glaucidium passerinum). 136. Tagung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Halberstadt

Hahn, S., Peter, H.-U. (2002): Inside the feeding territories: Dominance structure in Brown Skuas. XXIII International Ornithological Congress in Bejing/China

Peter, H.-U., Wang, Z., Braun, S., Büßer, C., González, J., Pfeiffer, S. (2002): Brown Skuas and Antarctic station activities at Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, South Shetland Islands. XXIII International Ornithological Congress Bejing/China

Ritz, M., Hahn, S., Pfeiffer, S., Peter, H.-U. (2002): Sex-specific aggression and nest attendance in three skua species. XXIII International Ornithological Congress, Bejing/China

Welcker, J, Exo, K.-M., Peter, H.-U. (2002): Do male Kelp Gull chicks consume more food than their sisters? SCAR Bird Biology Subcommittee Workshop ”Research methods for diet composition in Antarctic seabirds”, Jena

Hahn, S., Peter, H.-U. (2002): Inside the feeding territories: Dominance structure in Brown Skuas. SCAR Bird Biology Subcommittee Workshop ”Research methods for diet composition in Antarctic seabirds”, Jena

Masello, J.F., Kutzscher, C., Quillfeldt, P. (2001): Chicks of heavy and colourful Burrowing Parrots have less fleas. 134. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Schwyz

Peter, H.-U. (2001): Autobahnausbau und Erhaltung der Dohlenkolonie Jena-Göschwitz – ein lösbarer Konflikt? 134. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Schwyz

Peter, H.-U., Braun, S., Büßer, C., Gonzales, J., Gutsell, J., Pfeiffer, S., Wang, Z. (2001): Zur Verbreitung, Populations- und Nahrungsökologie der Skuas (Catharacta spec.) auf Fildes Peninsula und Ardley Island (King George Island, South Shetland Islands, Antarktis). 134. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Schwyz

Pfeiffer, S., Peter, H.-U., Hüppop, O. (2001): Auswirkungen anthropogener Störungen auf Skuas der Nord - und Südshetlands. 134. Jahresversammlung der Deutschen Ornithologen-Gesellschaft, Schwyz

Masello J.F., Quillfeldt, P. (2001): Hatching asynchrony in burrowing parrots. 3. Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union, Groningen/Netherlands

Peter, H.-U. (2001): Highways and ecology of jackdaws (Corvus monedula L.) 3. Conference of the European Ornithologists’ Union, Groningen/Netherlands

Hahn, S., Ritz, M., Peter, H.-U. (2001): Living in mixed pairs- better for fitness? A study in skuas. VIII SCAR International Biology Symposium, Amsterdam/Netherlands

Gerighausen, U., Bräutigam, K., Mustafa, O., Peter, H.-U. (2001): Expansion of Antarctic vascular plants on an Antarctic island – a consequence of climate change? VIII SCAR International Biology Symposium, Amsterdam/Netherlands

Peter, H.-U., Braun S., Büßer C., Gerighausen U., Gonzales Soto J., Gutsell J., Kahl T., Mustafa O., Pfeiffer S., Valencia J., Wang Z. (2001): Human impacts on Fildes Peninsula, King George Island, South Shetland Islands. VIII SCAR International Biology Symposium, Amsterdam/Netherlands

Pfeiffer, S., Peter, H.-U. (2001): Ecological surveys on Hannah Point and Penguin Island, South Shetland Islands - possible impacts of tourism. VIII SCAR Biology Symposium, Amsterdam/Netherlands