Russian and Chilenean research stations in the Antarctic

Scientific cooperations

Scientific cooperations
Russian and Chilenean research stations in the Antarctic
Image: Christina Braun

              • Agreement on the Conservation of Albatrosses and Petrels (Dr. J. Cooper)
              • Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Bremerhaven (logistic department)
              • Alfred Wegener Institute for Polar and Marine Research, Polar Terrestrial Environmental Systems, Potsdam (Dr. S. Lisovski)
              • Applied Ecology & Phycology, University of Rostock (Dr. S. Heesch)
              • Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, St. Petersburg, Russia (Dr. S. Verkulich and colleagues)
              • Arctic Centre, University of Groningen, Netherlands (Prof. L. Haqueboard, Dr. K. de Korte)
              • Avian Demography Unit, University of Cape Town, South Africa (Prof. L. Underhill)
              • Behavioural Ecology and Animal Ecophysiology Group, University Giessen (Prof. Dr. P. Quillfeldt)
              • British Antarctic Survey, Cambridge, U.K. (Dr. R. Phillips)
              • Center for Plant Molecular Biology, Eberhard Karls -University Tübingen/ Institute of Molecular Biology and Genetics of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine (Dr. Daria Navrotska)
              • Centro de Química Estrutural, Instituto Superior Técnico, University of Lisbon, Portugal (E.A. Mão de Ferro)
              • Centro Universitario de la Región Este - CURE, Universidad de la República de Uruguay, Uruguay (A.L. Machado, Dr. Alvaro Soutullo, Dr. F. Teixeira de Mello, Dr. J.P. Lozoya and colleagues)
              • Department of Biological Researches, National Antarctic Scientific Center of Ukraine, Kiyv, Ukraine (Dr. I. Parnikoza)
              • Department of Biology, University of North Dakota, USA (Dr. Javier Lenzi)
              • Department of Evolutionary Biology, University of Bielefeld (Prof. Dr. O. Krüger, Dr. T. Schmoll)
              • Department of Soil Science, Technical University Munich, Freising (Dr. C. Müller, Dr. I. Prater)
              • Department of Soil Science and Soil Ecology, Saint-Petersburg University, Saint-Petersburg, Russia (Dr. E. Abakumov, Dr. L. Savelieva)
              • Department of Zoology, University of Oxford / Oxford Brookes University (Dr. Tom Hart)
              • Escuela de Geología, Universidad Andrés Bello, Viña del Mar, Valparaiso, Chile (Dr. F. Fernandoy)
              • Federal Environment Agency, Dessau (F. Hertel, Dr. H. Herata)
              • German Centre for Integrative Biodiversity Research (iDiv) Halle-Jena-Leipzig (Dr. T.M. Herrmann)
              • German Oceanographic Museum Stralsund (Dr. D. Liebers-Helbig)
              • Herbarium Haussknecht, Institute of Ecology and Evolution, University of Jena (Dr. J. Hentschel)
              • Institute of Biological Problems of the North, Magadan, Russia (Dr. A. Andreev)
              • Institute of Zoology, University of Cologne (Dr. Kenneth Dumack)
              • Instituto Antártico Argentino, Buenos Aires, Argentina (Dr. N. Coria and colleagues)
              • Instituto Antartico Chileno, Punta Arenas, Chile (logistic department)
              • Instituto Antartico Chileno, Punta Arenas, Chile (Dr. L. Krüger)
              • Instituto Antártico Uruguayo, Montevideo, Uruguay
              • Korea Polar Research Institute, Incheon, South-Korea (Dr. J.-H. Kim and colleagues)
              • Laboratory of Lichenology & Bryology, Komarov Botanical Institute, Sankt Petersburg, Russia (Dr. M. Andreev)
              • Museum of Natural History and Prehistory, Dessau-Roßlau (T. Karisch)
              • Nucleo de Estudios Ambientales, Universidad Catolica de Temuco, Chile (Dr. A. Casanova-Katny)
              • Polar Terrestrial Environmental Systems, Division of Geosciences, Alfred-Wegener-Institut für Polar- und Meeresforschung, Potsdam (Dr. S. Lisovski)
              • Optical Molecular Diagnostics and System Technology, Leipniz Institute of Photonic Technology (Dr. S.D. Braun)
              • Otto-Schmidt-Laboratory for Polar and Marine Research, Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute, Sankt-Petersburg, Russia (Dr. I. Fedorova)
              • Sails-For-Science Foundation (Dr. S. Wagner)
              • Second Institute of Oceanography, Hangzhou, China (Prof. Z. Wang)
              • Thuringian Institute for Sustainability and Climate Protection (ThINK), Jena (O. Mustafa, J. Maercker, C. Pfeifer, S. Knetsch)
              • Ukrainian Antarctic Center, Kiew, Ukraine (Dr. I. Kozeretska, I. Parnikoza)
              • Zoological Museum, University of Moscow, Russia (Prof. P. Tomkovich and colleagues)